
this is my home


09-25-2013, 08:27 PM

The russet demon had slipped away from the pack meeting after the battle, after greeting her niece, not enjoying the gathering of unfamiliar wolves in her home. The pale angel who had come to fight the new alpha had been intriguing and if not for Vi's decision to remain with these lands until she died she might have followed him. But instead she had watched and then departed without a word, deciding that maybe a one on one meeting might be for the best... She had left for a few days, returning to the den she had shared with her brother when they had fist come to these lands and slithering into its depths. The pungent herbs he had hung from the ceiling of roots were enough to mask her scent unless someone knew where to find her or was actively seeking her out. Blood red fur wasn't exactly unnoticeable in the darkness... Especially as the sun began to set even in the depths of her den her pelt seemed to gather up the sunshine and illuminate the darkness around her. Sometimes she wished she had taken more after the goddess with her jet black pelt. More like Kylar, the black male only had a few silver markings. Though her pelt did have it's other uses...

The sun was slipping slowly beneath the horizon of the mountainside, the high altitude of her home causing the sunsets to come early and for dusk to last longer. It was beautiful here, despite her hatred of the thin air and trek up the mountain she did love this place and had considered it her home for a long time. No matter the ruler she had stuck around, through Nnoitra, Kaien, Desdemona, Newt, Morphine.... So many had come and gone that it seemed nothing except for the mountain was set in stone here. So she had remained for the land, for her family. Kylar had long since left after Secret's death, Vixe off to Glaciem, Rune was almost as loyal as her to their home but she knew he had his own path to walk and she understood that. Maia she had seen briefly at the pack meeting but what the young woman was up to Vi had no idea. It was her life, Vi felt responsible for her due to blood ties but beyond that she found the child too much like her mother to be anything but a problem. Not that she would ever say that out loud to her...

She would let things settle in the pack, letting a few days slip by until there was more activity, new wolves and every so often she scented the male who had claimed these lands at the boarders. Red demoness waited until the light was just a smear against the horizon before slipping out of the dark hole she had confined herself to. Her pelt smelt strongly of sweet grass, sage, cedar and tobacco as they were the four herbs that no matter what Kylar had always had. He always said that they healed the mind rather then the body. Whether it was true or not she didn't know but the scents had always been comforting, a deep earthy musk that she actually didn't mind carrying with her. Dirt though was a different story. She shook herself, trying to get the dust and dirt from her pelt as best as she could but found that the right side of her body was flatter and dirtier as that was the side she had been sleeping on most of the time.

She could be nothing less then perfect before she would allow another wolf to see her.

It was an hour before she had groomed herself to the point where red and white pelt was pristine, sleek and laying against her body in the same way on both sides. Golden orbs would study herself before she stood, shoulders rolling before she set off towards the boarder, head lowering as eyes darted to and fro to make sure her passage went unnoticed. She didn't want her den discovered so she made her way towards the edge of the mountain and then circled back towards the centre where it seemed everyone called their pack meetings. She had her little plan in mind with various options of how to achieve it but one way or another she would achieve it. Slender crown would tip back as she approached the meeting area, a solemn howl echoing forth and calling for the new king. The man who dared call her home his lands would have some explaining to do. And for that reason she wouldn't sit, no she would stand like the queen she knew she was. Tail was lowered, parallel to her back half in a show of dominance and half to balance herself should this come to a fight. Her though was lifted, chin tipped down so golden eyes could watch him approach and her chin could cover her throat. Paws were slightly splayed for balance but still she stood to show the curve of her body. This wasn't her first time playing this game...