
devil bird



Master Fighter (275)

Advanced Navigator (80)

1 Year
Extra large
03-26-2024, 09:58 AM

She's just a pup, but dang is she getting brave. With her reindeers in tow and newly sharpened claw covers to help keep her safe, Lumine found herself wandering more and more these days. The cold doesn't bother her that much, but she does prefer the warmer fields nearby. Plus, Avalon has caught her eye. Their wares and techniques for different crafting is interesting and she wonders if she can bring some ideas home to Heidinn. Of course this prairie is a bit farther south than Heidinn or Avalon, but she needed somewhere different to walk that day.

Grass grows only to her ankles here, kept short by the multiple herds of grazing animals. Massive bison and their shaggy coats lumber south from the rolling knolls. Athletic antelope and their long, long horns keep beady eyes on their surroundings at all times. Even the hares seem to be in abundance here, popping up all over the place from behind different rocks. There were animals too that she had no names for, none that she hadn't been taught yet. The land here is relatively flat with large boulders and some hills, but none that she couldn't conquer. Really a good place for pups to practice hunting if she did say so herself.

As she examines the surroundings, a rather large bird catches her attention. Her eyes squint, brow furrowing as the feathery beast charges a larger male wolf, legs flying in the air faster than anything she'd ever seen before. Why was the bird attacking him? Glancing around, Lumine sees it. A nest with eggs. Made sense, right? Would she be of any help? Wouldn't know until she found out! Charging forward, Lumine darts toward the tangoing duo until she's just close enough to catch the ostrich's attention and veer sharp right toward the nest. Barking loudly in its direction, she hopes to distract it enough so the stranger can either get away or get a good attack in.

Lumine Trygg

table coding by bunni ♥

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1. devil bird Algoma Prairie 02:02 PM, 03-19-2024 01:32 PM, 06-20-2024