
Getting steamy up in here



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-26-2024, 03:17 PM

The more he touched her svelte body and soft fur, the more reactions Rogue was able to coax out of Kaino. He liked her responses, the way her body moved against his while he took advantage of having a pretty thing like herself in his grasp. Rogue was still a young brute, naive to the ways of women and sex, but it didn't mean he was totally lost in the dark. He knew about mating, knew the mechanics of finding pleasure in the body of another, but he lacked the physical experience. The most he'd ever done is share a few pleasant kisses and cuddles with the faes he'd met in his travels. This—Kaino—was something entirely else. She was sensual and physical and intimate with her actions, taking all that Rogue had experienced before and amplifying it, raising the stakes to the next level. The prince continued his handsy appreciation for her nubile body; truly a brute after his own sire's heart as he reveled in the glory of the female form. She was making him feel things... things he'd never felt this strongly before. It was a heat that was desperate to be closer to her until he exploded.

His question of finding out about those bad things she mentioned earned him a heavy lidded look from the lavender and smoke fae, the midnight sky-furred brute watching enraptured as Kai slid closer to him, talking about bad wolves that would take advantage of a fae like her. The way she spoke in sultry tones of bending her to their will sent a chill running down Rogue's spine that settled into a flaring heat between his legs, his core tightening in response. She slid closer and Rogue felt the press of her chest against his, the mingling of their damp fur together, her coat softly tickling at his skin. Rogue's breath caught and he stared at Kaino, practically hypnotized by the little temptress—so much so that he didn't even realize she was pushing him back until his back was suddenly against the edge of the pool. A soft grunt escaped the prince as he ended up on his rump against the spring wall, finding Kai now straddling his lap while her slender forelegs wrapped around his neck. Fuck, that was hot...

Rogue remained speechless while Kai commented on how scary the world could be for someone as small and pretty as her, and gods be good, he couldn't disagree. She was hot as hell, sexy as sin, and was turning on a very primal, very much untapped part of Rogue's brain—the wild animalistic side that urged him to breed. His arousal was evident, both by the look on his face and the stiffening anatomy between his thighs which Kai found a moment later when her rump grazed against his length. Rogue's muzzle scrunched up with a hiss of breath as he tensed against the rush of delight that simple brush of their bodies brought to him. Gods, that was a new feeling! Sunset eyes flickered open to meet Kai's heated gaze as she licked her lip and asked how she could repay his sweetness. Rogue knew his answer even before she continued to entice him by combing her digits through his thick scruff and whispering heated words into his ear. He wanted her. His belly tightened again with that hungry need, his member aching for attention—her attention.

Don't be shy, huh? Well, in this instance, Rogue could only think of one thing he wanted from this sultry little minx currently occupying his lap. Transfixed eyes still locked to hers, Rogue leaned in closer until his nose was pressed right to where Kaino's throat met her jaw, breathing in her delectable scent as giant paws roamed freely over her hips and around to her shapely rump, being bold in his approach just like she wanted. He'd never touched a fae like this before and maybe it showed, but what he lacked in experience Rogue made up for in bravado. Sly grin spreading across his muzzle, the Klein prince slid his muzzle up the side of Kai's neck until his breath tickled at her ear in return, pulling her body tighter to his until he could feel the soft fur of her rump against his arousal once more. She was right—Rogue wasn't some rapist, but he also wasn't as good as she made him out to be. Hell yeah he was going to do this! With a teasing nip of teeth to the delicate skin, Rogue whispered in hot, husky tones into her ear, "Bend for me, Kai."

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.