
Readoption Widow Mystery Litter



Rapid Poster - SilverRapid Poster - Bronze
03-26-2024, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2024, 01:24 PM by LadyElin. Edited 2 times in total.)
Character's Name: Moth Nightwing
Parents: Widow x unknown
Biological Sex: Female
Date of Birth: Spring 20
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Adult Height: 42"
Size: Extra Large
Build: Heavy
Appearance Description: (Kind of based on Fox5 and Fox11) A soft black wolf, with bright eyes of steel and subtle dark rich black leopard spots on her sides and shoulders. Her nose, ears, toes, and tail also fade gradually into a deep rich black. Her pelt has a subtle purple or blue undertone if observed in the right light, otherwise, her black fur is of the deepest midnight black.  

She will be bulky, strong, and fat, bordering overweight, with large powerful paws, strong shoulders and hips, a deep chest, and a thick neck. She is no dainty thing, and will not care for elegant sex appeal. Her midnight fur will be soft but barely kept. She'll remain fairly thick most of her childhood and on into adulthood.

When she walks it will always be with purpose, exacting, and calculated. She will not move gracefully like her sister, more like a boulder on a hill.
She will typically smell of fire smoke and boiled leather.

Raven is extremely tolerant of her family, loyal to them, and takes any bullying in her stride. She's not afraid to support them and protect them above all else. She will not take sides if any conflicts break out between them though, they can sort it out without her.

Raven allows others to assume she's a big dumb bitch, a pushover, plodding, dim-witted, or intellectually challenged, in truth she's incredibly observant and perceptive. She prefers to be left alone and able to do her crafting work but won't hold back any scathing remarks from her previous perceptions if she's interrupted.

Her pride and her passion is her work. She will be obsessed with making the perfect leatherwork or metalwork. Armor, swords, shields, carrying supplies, ropes, anything that may give the upper hand in a fight. She will work ceaselessly on a project until she finally deems it perfect. Similarly, she will perfect her fighting stance, accuracy, and power while she trains. She wants to make sure her items are useful as well as perfected.

She follows 3 rules:  
1. Don't touch my stuff, I will end you.
2. Don't mess with my family, I will end you.
3. I will not lie, not for anything or anyone.

Skills: Intelligence, Fighting

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1. Readoption Widow Mystery Litter Adoptions 10:32 PM, 03-24-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024