
Melt Into Me




3 Years

Pride - Pansexual
03-27-2024, 10:54 PM

the last few months had been...tumultuous, to say the least. uncertain. unpredictable. even...frightening, at times. and also, without a doubt, the most wonderful of her entire life. she spent her days encircled within the stronghold of his arms, lost in a heady concoction of pleasure and heat. it was almost like a trance of sorts, one cast by the tantalising masculinity of his scent and the glinting depths of his eyes. sometimes entire days would pass without scarcely a notice from the tawny fae, her only memory his low voice and a carnal pleasure ricocheting up and down her spine. and although the difference between her life now compared to even a few seasons ago was enough to make her head spin, she wouldn't trade it for a thing. after all, she had a home and a pack now. she had him. and he had her. oh, did he have her. if someone were to split her open at this very moment, they'd find only Rhazien Saxe in place of blood and bone and organ. they'd find him carved into every inch of her, a brand only deepened by every fuck and kiss and tender word. it was bliss, pure and simple. she knew Rhaz wasn't the alpha of their new pack, of course, but in her eyes he was so much more: her master. her god. the holder of her heart. the father of her future children.

her everything.

so when he awoke her that morning, Dulla rose with a delicate yawn and followed dutifully in his wake, letting him guide her through their new territory. it was, admittedly, a little cold for her at times, but she would endure any discomfort if it meant keeping Rhaz at her side. the island he led them to was a strange place, surrounding a basin of ice rimmed by craggy teeth. Dulla eyed it dubiously as she fell into step beside the Saxe man, letting their pelts brush together in her hunger for contact. Rhaz was a silent present beside her, and she couldn't help the increasing swirl of thoughts knocking against the walls of her skull. she could never read the man beside her, something she found both thrilling and frustrating. today, of course, was no different; Rhaz's question caught her by surprise, and it took her a moment to catch her bearings. "i'm...faring well, my love." she hesitated, uncertain as to where she should voice her thoughts. the last thing she wanted was to burden Rhaz with something inconsequential. finally, she said, "your family...they intimidate me, i admit. i don't think i fit in with them." it'd been a source of great insecurity for the fae, to see Rhaz's ilk and to know, intrinsically, that she didn't belong.




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1. Melt Into Me Ardens Glácies 12:36 PM, 03-24-2024 11:11 PM, 09-05-2024