
Take it in, but don't look down.



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
03-27-2024, 11:51 PM

Malico sits with Mar, keeping slightly behind her since she is the one who will greet the alphas and do the talking. Not that he minds, the male has long since learned that his smaller sibling is made of tougher stuff than him and she has a wonderful knack for finding the right words. A huge male appears and the purple man swivels his ears forward to catch what he has to say, his eyes tracking down to Artorias’s mouth to catch the words his clogged ears might miss. A small grin lifts his lips and they are soon joined by another woman who turns out to be his wife, Briar.

Eyes flick from one to the other as they talk and he bows his head in respect as they introduce themselves, mouth remaining closed as the group turns and begins to move into Hallows territory. Mal continues to remain silent as Mariah speaks, slowly guiding the donkey and cart while making sure to keep slightly behind his sibling. Briar joins him, helping to steer the ass toward the castle and he looks over to the Queen offering her a small smile of thanks as they go. Silence falls and he realizes that he is expected to answer about what he wishes to train in.

Lifting his head, the young man meets Mariah’s eyes and a soft smile pulls at his lips. Directing his gaze up to Artorias, deep, smooth tones lift to say, “I wish to be a respected hunter for my pack but I also want to learn how to better protect myself and Mariah on our travels.” There is a deep admiration that shines in his cerulean eyes as he looks from the Aegis to his Queen, knowing that they have done much to lift the Hallows name until it is in the forefront of many minds. There is no doubt that this pack has some of the best teachers around and Mal hopes to learn a lot here.

"Malico Mendacium"

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1. Take it in, but don't look down. Amron's Castle 05:01 PM, 03-14-2024 08:26 AM, 05-07-2024