
Baby Steps




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
06-10-2024, 12:52 AM
He had gone into this having no idea how Tira would react or if she would even reciprocate these feelings that he had finally built up the bravery to say and when she had laughed he had feared the worst outcome. In the end he felt like they had only grown closer and uncovered so much more than he had even planned. When Tira smiled up at him and he felt her small paws rest on his cheeks any lingering concern or fear was swept away, a similar smile pulling across his face. This was the fae he loved and now she knew how he truly felt about her–and from the way she guided him into a deep, passionate kiss he knew she loved him too even before she vocalized the words. He wasn't sure if it was just the euphoria of finally telling the truth and knowing that he would have this little wolf dog in his life till the end of his days or if it was the building high from the drugs that she had given him, but Cina was over the moon. He returned her slow, deep kiss with a soft, content hum, his forelegs wrapped around her waist and pulling her snuggly against him. This was everything he had hoped for and more.

When she did eventually break their kiss, he blinked open his eyes to peer down into her pale blue gaze again and a goofy, over joyed grin tugged at his lips at the sound of her giggles. Then she said the words he had been dying to hear. I love you. It occurred to him that he wasn't sure if he had ever heard someone say that they loved him until now and it only made this moment all the sweeter. She was his first and only love and that was all he really needed. Her demand that he kiss her and show her how much he loved her was probably the easiest request she had ever made of him. Without hesitation, he rolled with her till she was on her back beneath him, holding himself over her with a sultry grin on his lips. "As you wish, my love," he rumbled with a chuckle, his muzzle lightly brushing against hers before he claimed her lips in another deep, slow, passionate kiss, his eyes sliding closed once again

"Cináed & Satira"