
Know Your History

Carpathian history lesson!



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
03-28-2024, 03:45 PM

Iolaire was old. Her mind had started to unravel a bit. She was still sharper than most, but her razor sharp sheen had begun to fade. The woman sipped her water, mind wandering enough that she forgot what they had been talking about. Ears perked when the questions began, however.

Dusk asked about a frozen lake and Iolaire shrugged lightly. "Not always frozen, but there's a lake for sure." Bramble went next and Io shook her head. "No... something much different waited for Morro." Nelu questioned the old woman and she canted her head slightly. "They were selfish. Everything was done for their gain rather than the benefit of the pack as a whole." Young minds were so full of questions. She'd asked for them, but still...

Elowen questioned Iolaire about Morro being overthrown and Ember asked if Resin had done something to get their family to Auster. She could mix these and Nelu's second question into one big answer. Taking a breath, Iolaire began speaking once more. "Bala disappeared, not that her father cared much. Resin suspected that Morro was involved, but didn't have proof until he tried to kill her as well. Morro admitted that he had killed and eaten their sister." Iolaire waved one paw in the air as though brushing away cobwebs or bad memories. "Resin fought Morro for what he did to Bala and won. She killed him. Jyrric wasn't too happy about his heir being slain, so he decreed that Resin's status was forfeit. She was the enemy. The wolves of the pack hunted her and she escaped, though not before getting heavily wounded."

A yawn pulled from the old woman and she rolled her shoulders with an audible crackle. "Resin fled, picking her way across the world until she made her way here. She'd taken the surname Scarpaw to further hide her tracks. Only when she met Tamsyn and started a family did she take back her family name of Carpathius. Scarpaw was her name to bear; not theirs. Besides, not all Carpathius were bad. A stoic bunch with grey morals, but not overall evil." Iolaire yawned again, getting a little comfy with a wiggle before wrapping her long tail about herself. She nestled down into it like a little fox, just her eyes and ears poking out. "So there you have it. Carpathius, Hallows, Scarpaw, Resin, Artorias, You." A moment later, the woman's eyes drifted shut and she was asleep, the flickering firelight warming her old bones.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.

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1. Know Your History The Starlit Plains 04:29 PM, 10-11-2023 07:42 PM, 04-18-2024