
water princess


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
03-29-2024, 03:27 AM
A warm, inviting smile is on the small Leader’s lips as she looks from her nephew to the stranger, her stance open and relaxed. While the stitches that keep her right cheek and brow closed have Haydée feeling self-conscious, the genuine joy and pleasure of meeting someone new has etched itself on to her soft, gentle features. Ikuchi lays between them and the young woman lovingly chuckles at the excited youth as she comes to a stop next to him.  

Kind emerald eyes turn to the stranger, noting her submissive stance that is given as Hay introduces herself. Head bows in respect as the young woman offers her own name and, as she straightens back up, eyebrows lift slightly at the request. Pain sparks to life along her brow as the movement tugs at the delicate stitching but the young woman has no time for it and the smile blooms into a beautiful excited expression.

Dipping her head in acknowledgement, the small Leader raises a paw, flicking her wrist in a simple invitation for Mélisande to cross the invisible borders and join her and Ikuchi within Ethne’s lands. Once the red woman has joined them, Haydée warmly says, “You are more than welcome here, Mélisande, for as long as your heart desires. Ethne is a family pack and we are either related by blood or simply have chosen each other as our family. Now, before you decided on anything, there are a few rules I think you should know.”

Head cants slightly to the side as Haydée talks, the kind smile never leaving her features, as she offers up information, “Everyone that joins must be accepting of others because every individual you will find within Ethne is unique and we strive to celebrate those differences. No matter what religion they practice, species they are, or beliefs anyone has, everyone is welcome in Ethne. We also believe that love is love and you are free to love whomever your heart desires. We are a kind bunch who will defend each other no matter what and we will not be pushed around.”

Gaze hardens for a fraction of second before returning to the welcoming, warm pools that have been. For a moment, Haydée thinks about how full the pack is getting and considers that Ethne may need to claim another land soon. The Leader offers the woman some time to digest the information she given before saying, “If you are willing to accept all of that, then you are more than welcome to join us.” With many of the important aspects covered, Haydée thinks that she has given Mélisande enough information to form her own opinion on whether Ethne is the right fit for her.

If the red-hued woman decides to walk away from them now, there would be no hard feelings or ill will on the part of Ethne because Hay simply wishes for the red woman to find her happiness… wherever that may be. Looking down to her nephew, Haydée joyfully questions, "Did I leave anything important out, Ikuchi?"

OOC: Permission to skip Ikuchi this round was given by Asena

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. water princess Cattail Creek 05:47 PM, 03-19-2024 11:28 PM, 07-31-2024