
Mortis x Halo readoption



Rapid Poster - SilverRapid Poster - Bronze
03-29-2024, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2024, 01:13 PM by LadyElin. Edited 4 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: LadyElin
Character's Name: Oleander (Ollie)
Adult Height: 42"(25% discount on height up to 42”)
Size: Large
Gender: Male
Build: Light
Appearance Description:
Oleander is nearly the spitting image of his mother, though taller and leaner. Plush white fur encompasses his tall skinny body from nose tip to tail tip. Five soft faint grey marks over his left eye are the only markings on his pristine white body, while barely perceptible against his white fur they mark him as Fatalis blood. His black nose and black paw pads are exactly like his gentle mother's. His eyes though are a deep viridian green, his left eye is mottled with a few spots of his mother's lavender purple.

He inherits his father's stealthy claws of a cat and may experiment with poisons for fighting.

Despite heavy training and a forced appetite, his body will be extremely lean, bordering on emaciated. He will have a lot of difficulty keeping weight on himself, and most foods turn his stomach.

Since growing up a sickly babe he starts to despise being fussed over and confined. He sometimes feels like his family is a little overbearing and gets annoyed if he feels like he's being overly controlled.

Stubborn determination
He is set on proving himself and overcoming his previously weak fragile body. He had to find his inner strength so young that once he had his health he felt like he had to play catch up with his siblings. He is a perfectionist who works hard to prove his capabilities and feels infantilized if someone starts to fuss over him.

He appreciates and cares for his family always, though he's rather jealous he's missed out on a lot of his puppy days and gets frustrated when his body betrays him at times forcing him to take a rest when he tires out easily. He idolizes people with strong bodies and tries his best to work on becoming as strong if not stronger than them.

Free-spirited Prankster
Since he's had a delayed pup hood he gets a rise on testing the boundaries of those around him. Either by being actively annoying, playing pranks, or seeing just how far he can get away with breaking the law and its technicalities. He's not afraid to fib his way out of trouble but doesn't want to get anyone he likes hurt. He's not a fan of being told what to do and might be the initiator of many hijinks.

He lies to Protect, a sacrificial mask.
Oleander has no qualms about lying to protect those he loves, including misrepresenting how he feels and masking his shortcomings. He is a self-sacrificing elite and a Pro at putting on a brave face when shit hits the fan. He will hide his devotion to his family and keep their secrets close to his heart. He is still incredibly hard on himself and may fall apart at serious mistakes.

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Fighting, Healing
Mutations: Claws pls! I think I can handle height!
Intended plots / other: Eventually will discover poisonous herbs like his name and be a poison specialist when he grows up. To explain his absence he was born sickly, and there were many points where they thought they might lose him. It also explains how he's not quite as tall as his brothers and doesn't remember the flood. Other plots are maybe about testing people's patience, accidentally poisoning someone, Learning about vengeance somehow, and seeing how well he can fight... Will Basilisk marry him off to get him out of their hair?

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1. Mortis x Halo readoption Adoptions 12:34 PM, 03-17-2024 12:07 AM, 08-24-2024