
Bin chicken you out


Raiders Hollow
The Nightmare

Master Fighter (290)

Master Navigator (400)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

3 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!Island HopperWinnerUnderachieverOverachieverStudent
Double MasterCritical Observation!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-30-2024, 12:36 AM

Deluge's tail waved at the invitation to play tour guide come the summer, “'S a date,” she promised with an easy smile on her face, certain that by the time summer rolled around she would be well and truly free of her mother one way or another.

She nodded along as her companion went on to explain how things had been going at home and the mention of pups bought an uncertain dread to the pit of her stomach. They were getting close to the time of year she could be expecting more siblings, and she wasn't quite sure how she felt about the prospect of that, but she kept it from showing on her face. Ranks filling was an achievement for any leader. As for motivation, “I could always talk ter dad about comin' 'round fer a visit? Reckon we could sweeten th' deal a bit too, throw in a barrel o' booze fer th' winnin' side?” She offered casually. If an impending raid wasn't motivation, she wasn't sure what would be. While the Raider's preference was always chaos and not necessarily bloodshed, they would match energy and she knew some people didn't like a fight without a bit of blood involved, so she wouldn't make a promise on the behalf of others.


Due to distance kept from her Raider kin and her regular travelling taking her out of pack lands, Deluge smells and acts like a loner. The only noticeable scent other than her own is Dread who may join any of her threads at any time.

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1. Bin chicken you out Ibis Islands 08:44 PM, 02-03-2024 10:12 PM, 06-09-2024