
Dealing With the Devil



09-26-2013, 05:51 AM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2013, 05:52 AM by Isardis.)

The others would remain silent, their tongues held upon their King?s arrival. He would snicker with nauseating pleasure as she spat at him, her sour words no less than honey to eager lobes, encouraging him only to take a step forward; to invade a space that would no longer be hers, to reach carelessly out with a pink snout as he would hover it but centimetres from her own, drowning in her youthful scent. ?Oh don?t be so sure,? he bubbled, ?It seems to me you are untarnished as yet, your womb having never seen a gasp of existence, the squirming of spawn; though it will be a slight pain to gift golden life to woman that should bare only bronze.? His words were of pure taunt, not entire within their truth, designed only to chip at the girls weakened shell, to force retaliation.

Her conditions were clear, and while the man were hesitant to make bargains, to show he were lightly flexible within his ways; the dread Valhalla would feel upon the loss of a princess would far outweigh the pain of a pathetic leader. ?Darling you are too kind, to take the rabbit from our hands willingly; I do ever so thank you, and to think I had considered setting him free,? cunning, twisted, his mind would whirl with the pleasures of their encounter, sweet lies dripping like poison honey from angel lips.