
Hey Boo Boo, How About that Cari-Boo!



Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
03-31-2024, 04:42 PM

Eltrys had proved a reliable hunting partner in their first hunt so when the other male offered to take him to hunt caribou. The prey animals were among those that Alexander had never had the pleasure of hunting - after all, he had spent most of his life living in and hunting the beasts of Auster - and he had jumped at the chance to try his paw at hunting them. El was already proving to be a strong hunting partner which only excited Alex at the idea of hunting more and more larger game with another wolf. He had always had an interest in the sport, but so many of his hunts had been done solo. Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to expand on their skill with others?

The trip North had proven to be long but if Eltrys’ boast about the taste of caribou was anything to go by it was going to be worth the effort of getting here. Unlike in Ethne, where things were beginning to warm up in Auster’s spring, Northern Boreas was feeling the chill of fall with winter nipping at its heels. It was cold enough that Alexander was a little surprised that there wasn’t already snow on the ground of the bleak landscape but it seemed that the weather worked in their favor for now.

They had finally found the trail of the herbivores when a change in the trail caught not just Alexander’s attention, but El’s as well. Alex’s green gaze lifted, meeting with that of his packmate, and a silent nod was given. They were changing their plan slightly, likely to see if the other two wolves they had picked up the scent of might be interested in joining their hunt so that all involved could take their share of meat. Alexander was fine with that - the meat they gathered here wouldn’t exactly make it all the way back to Ethne.

The duo would find the other pair of wolves together watching over the caribou already, and as Eltrys did the speaking Alexander would let his gaze sweep toward the herd. His ears were perked forward, his expression thoughtful as he examined each member. There appeared to be an older female on the far end of the herd that was moving stiffly. An ear flicked back in thought, a soft “Hmm,” leaving his maw as he looked over at the others. “...Over there, far edge of the herd toward the back.” He spoke softly, not wanting his voice to carry to the grazing animals but he also made sure it was loud enough to be heard.

Would the others focus on the same female he was looking at, or a different one?

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. Hey Boo Boo, How About that Cari-Boo! Sparse Pines 01:33 PM, 03-31-2024 12:59 PM, 04-28-2024