
Is it a pleasure to meet you though?


The Syndicate

Expert Healer (175)

Novice Intellectual (20)

3 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
03-31-2024, 10:48 PM

He watched the purple male with a critically observant eye, though it didn't take much to see what this guy was all about. All brawn and no brain, perhaps? Do first, think later probably. Action over words, etc etc etc. It was something new. Something interesting. Suffice to say Phantom knew what he was doing. The actions of this pack had not gone unnoticed, and word had spread quickly. Did he expect this new leader to act so volatile? Mm...probably. Considering the whispers he heard about how he had gotten the pack. Though he was curious if he had done it on his own, or had others do the dirty work for him.

He continued to watch the way this new alpha reacted. The corners of his lips tugging ever so slightly into a smirk as he got the reactions he wanted. Phantom was a scientist of sorts, after all. He studied everything he could, and the fragility and chaos of the mind was no exception.

Oh how truly fragile ego and pride was amusing, really.

"Hardly." Ah yes, there it was. The only warning he'd get to prepare himself before the alpha before him launched an attack. Though Phantom remained seated where he was, unsurprised by the males actions. It wasn't until the last possible moment did he make a move, quickly sliding forward and kicking off the ground beneath him as he sought to dive beneath the much larger male, avoiding his attacks completely. His head twisted upward, jaws gaping open as his gaze zeroed in on a man's most precious thing to them. "I do so love a good game!" He exclaimed just before aiming to seize Sephiran's balls.

Seph chose to play unfairly. So Phantom decided that he too, would play that game!

Phantom vs Sephiran for: Freedom/dominance
Round: 1/2
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Small
Build: Light
Defensive accessory: (Using amethyst mask from ooc account)
Skills: Expert Healer & Beginner Intellectual
Using mushroom based acid from ooc account to negate specialty


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1. Is it a pleasure to meet you though? The Polar Sound 04:01 PM, 03-25-2024 01:27 PM, 05-12-2024