
Show me what you got!




Master Fighter (280)

Advanced Hunter (65)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
04-01-2024, 12:42 AM
Bellatrix Ravenwood

It was no secret that Trixy was tiny but held an attitude like she was queen of the world in the way she moved. So she wasn't a leader, well so what? Didn't need to be one to know what and who she was.

The devil at the woman's side spoke and she used her white paw to stifle a giggle. If this lady was trouble, then her and her siblings must be catastrophes. She looked kind enough. Then the lady spoke. Bellamy Kedieo.... wasn't that Gav's last name too? She must be his grandma or something.

Then she went on and Trixy's face wrinkled a little with anger. Fall of norad? Norad was still alive regardless of where they lived. "We didn't fall, that pack of fucking scumbags bullied my daddy by threatening my baby brother's life and the lives of our pack mates. They deserve everything that's coming to them and then some. And im gonna make sure they know the Ravenwood's aren't going to sit idly by while they bully their way into getting everything they want."

She let her anger at the syndicate sink fully into her voice and told Bellamy exactly how she felt about it. She'd fought bullies before, but this time it was different. She'd take on the entire pack alone if she had to to get the message through their jerkwad brains.

She understood what the woman wanted though and she gave a smirk as she leveled her own head to be even with her spine and narrowed her eyes. When first move was announced as hers she gave the woman a cheeky grin before drawing her dagger and flinging it quickly, aiming to throw it close enough to the woman to distract her and throw her off but not aiming to hit her. Then she was off, circling the woman and closing the distance between them. Her toes dug in and she launched like a loaded gun. She was small so to reach any part of the woman she would have to jump.

Her jaws aimed to land upon the left side of the woman's neck while her back paws aimed to plant on the ground beside the woman. She could see Frank in her peripheral going for the woman's companions, aiming to keep them out of the battle with his bulk, hooves and antlers. He might be small for a reindeer but he was still bigger than the woman's companions.

Trixy was set to try her damndest to show this woman that she'd fought and had brains where she lacked size and brawns.

Say come on and show the world who you really are

Bellatrix vs Bellamy for spar
Round 1/2
Age: over 1 year
Size: Toy size
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather Vest
Companion 1: Reindeer, Male, Battle
Mutation 1: Rhino Horn (Offensive)
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: n/a

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1. Show me what you got! Lazuli Falls 02:05 PM, 03-25-2024 01:00 PM, 04-28-2024