
So why don't we just sway



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

3 Years
04-01-2024, 04:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2024, 04:07 PM by Fiadh. Edited 2 times in total.)

She struggled to parse ambient scents from new ones as she placed aside life-preserving functions in her desire to explore. Featherlight steps sent her in delightful circles within the long grasses, strumming a song formed by the sound of rushing foliage loud in her ears - but it was a symphony she did not wish to quiet. The grass's relenting stalks sometimes tickling her and elicited a giggle from her chords, but otherwise she heard nothing but her own steps and the beating of her heart. How fun it was, the woman thought, though never did she consider her presence and lack of regard for subtly to be a lightning rod for local threats.

In fact, it was not until the other's voice rang out that she took pause, one paw suspended midmotion just above the ground as her head twisted to observe the speaker from over her shoulder. She could spy him, just barely, between slanted blades of grass and she hesitated scarcely a moment more before she moved to close distance between them and bring her into a more polite distance where they could speak with ease. "Hello," she greeted him at first, speaking the words in her mother tongue before belatedly realizing the man had spoken common and quickly followed up in the same language. "Right as rain," she assured him with an amiable smile, the flow of her lilting Irish accent remaining even as she shifted to common.

Fiadh studied him for a moment against the pale dawn light, gaze flowing easily from his blue eyes then the paler markings of his coat in contrast to the more prevalent slate shades He was the first wolf she'd seen, as best she could remember - which was to say he was the first one she'd seen in an hour, but she thought he looked like dark waters, the white shifts like captured moonlight upon rippling crests. Although his countenance was rather serious, her appraisal and general demeanor staved away any reasons why she should be cautious with a stranger. He was good, she decided for no other reason than it was her default for others and he hadn't shown her any animosity in the two seconds they'd been acquainted. In the tenderheart's court of law, it was very much friend until proven otherwise.

"I was enjoying th' grass," she added on brightly by way of explanation, as though everyone penciled in 'running through grass' on their itinerary on a regular basis.

"Common" & "Irish"

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1. So why don't we just sway Vericona Plains 12:51 PM, 04-01-2024 12:49 PM, 07-16-2024