
Trouble Came Knocking At My Door

Hattori news sharing


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

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3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-01-2024, 05:19 PM

Kind emerald eyes look up at the tall man as Haydée genuinely extends the offer of help from her pack to fight these unknown intruders but, judging by Hanzō gruff, serious exterior, the girl kind of expects him not to accept. Tojo-kai is a reclusive pack and, from what she has heard, they seem able to hold their own well enough but it does not stop her from extending the offer anyway. Listening as he speaks of the attackers, the woman nods at his suggestion of caution and she muses aloud, “I will inform my pack that they are not to leave Ethne unattended and I will let know if there are any random attacks against my members.”

It makes sense to share that information in the event that something happens because these shadowy wolves are after one of his members. As Haydée tries to gently deliver the news that Celeste actually isn’t fairing well, sympathy fills her young features as he grimaces and disquiet enters his gaze. Attempting to reassure Hanzō the girl softly offers, “We are doing everything we can for her and I will seek the aid of the Hallows if it is needed. She is resting comfortably for now and we will continue to do everything we can for her.”

Breath hitches as readies to ask her next question, knowing that, by voicing it, she is admitting that they may not be able to save Celeste. Hesitantly, Hay asks, “If it seems that Celeste takes a turn for the worst, would you like me send a summons for you?” Although she has only known the woman for a short time, Haydée knows that Cel deserves to be surrounded by those she loves when death comes knocking. But the young Leader will continue to hold out hope for her recovery and she will believe it until the woman shuffles off her mortal coil.

At Hanzō’s stiff words, the young woman blinks in surprise, never once thinking that by simply bring news, Tojo-kai would owe her or Ethne anything. Head shakes slightly as she genuinely says, “You owe me nothing sir. I am doing this for Celeste because it was her wish that you and Vidarr know what happened to her. I wish I could have brought you better news but she felt that it was important you know.” Politely, she tries to let him know that there is no debt to be paid here and that she will not hold this over him in the future.

A sad, warm smile is on her lips as she gazes up at the man, trying to offer him comfort in the face of the stressful news.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.