
-- shock wave whispers



3 Years
09-26-2013, 08:55 AM

Kamala had anticipated being entirely alone, that no other wolves would make an appearance on this night, but it seemed that tonight, her assumption was incorrect. The observant female found her ears twitching to pick up the noises of another approaching through the still night. It didn't take long for a vaguely familiar looking male to make his appearance, striking golden eyes meeting her own as he addressed her.

Kamala was amused by the flowery nature of his words, but she had to admit that it was nice to be complimented so. It had been a long while since a male had been so polite to her. Thoughts or Tiresias and Fenrir flickered in her mind for a moment, but she shoved them away firmly. Both had left Seracia some time ago, and though she had considered them to be her friends, it would not do any good to dwell upon the past. "I had a bit of trouble sleeping," The female murmured, her voice quiet in the cool air. She saw no reason to raise her voice right then, not with sleeping wolves in the territory and peace in the air.

The compliments did not go amiss; Kamala was flattered by them, in her own way, though she doubted the truth of them. "I have looked upon my reflection, and it pales in comparison with even the smallest of stars." That much was certainly true; Kamala was far from as beautiful as the stars that glittered in the sky above her. She had an interesting appearance, certainly, but not exactly a beautiful one.

She hesitated for a moment before continuing; "But I've got a bit of everything on my mind tonight." The female twitched her tail in an attempt to show that she wasn't too bothered by it. "And how about you, Sir? I would not think that you are awake for no reason." She slid easily into the formality that had been taught to her from an early age as she addressed the stranger.

Still, there was something missing from their thus far rather polite conversation; names. Her father would have been disappointed in her. "By the way, my name is Kamala, Princess of Seracia. May I ask what your name is?" With that inquiry, Kamala fell silent, pricking her ears in the direction of the stranger.

thank you canttina! <3