
Never. Fucking. Again

Birth and stuff.



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-01-2024, 07:00 PM

The last few weeks had been nothing but preparing for the pups that were due to be here in the very near future. She was a mess of nerves and excitement that was tinged with jealousy as they prepared the den that she and Saracyn shared to receive the pups. The recent addition of Juniper to her life had turned out to be more helpful than she could have imagined at the time since the little healer had helped come up with a combination of herbs to help her start producing milk so that she could care for the pups after they were born. Between Juniper and Irilyth's help she felt like she was more than ready for them to be born–physically at least. Mentally and emotionally she was still wrapping her head around the fact that this was really happening. It had been harder than she anticipated to grasp the fact that they were really going to be parents when she wasn't the one carrying the pups. Ready or not, the impossible request she had made of Scylla was coming to life any day now.

She was rearranging the furs and reinforcing the walls around the bed she had constructed with Saracyn for what felt like the hundredth time when the bush dog she recognized as one she had seen following Scylla around walked into the den. She looked up at the companion with confusion for a moment before the reason for it being here finally sank in, her eyes going wide as she looked to Saracyn with nervous excitement. She immediately grabbed the fur lined basket she had prepared to transport the pups and hurried out of the den with him, hurrying across the island and following the bush dog to Scylla's den. She let Saracyn go in first, but she followed closely behind and as soon as she stepped inside her eyes landed on the three puppies nursing at Scylla's belly, one of them far larger than the other two.

A boy that looked like he could have been their biological son with a marking similar to theirs and a coat of mostly red and black with a subtle purple that was almost hard to see in this dark lighting, another boy that took heavily after Scylla with some bumps that looked like they had the potential to grow into impressive spikes one day, and a little girl with a coat that took heavily after her father with a combination of black and red. She was stunned speechless as she looked at them, quietly putting the basket down in front of her as she sat back on her haunches in awe. "They're beautiful," she said quietly, glancing up at Scylla with a little smile, blinking away tears as she looked back to their children. Gods how she wished she could be in Scylla's place, but she was just happy that they were here at all.

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. Never. Fucking. Again Alias Island 09:44 PM, 03-31-2024 06:37 AM, 06-24-2024