
Beauty Untold



Master Intellectual (250)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years

Pride - SapiosexualPride - Demisexual1K
04-01-2024, 07:03 PM
"Speech" || "Thoughts"

Fic didn't know nor care how long she traveled across the terra firma. All she knew was she was tired, drawing the rest of her will to keep going. Sore pads cried to her as she continued. The creamy blonde woman's mint-hued pools searched the area, her belly full from a hunt a day or so before finding herself in these new lands. It was like a dream. One she did not want to wake from. Untouched. Although scents assaulted her nostrils of others that traveled before her.

A slow sigh escaped her throat as her pools of sage danced from shadow to shadow—the whispering willow's branches and leaves sweeping along the ground.

She also didn't fail to realize or consider she was new around this area and not one to be blind, by the beauty, knowing that danger lurked in the shadows. Identification was young enough to still wander - in the same sense wise enough to know better. What was it that was drawing her closer, more deeper into this area?

Distant howls rang out, packs calling to one another. The members of the different packs returned home for the night. Home! Something Identification dreamt about. But it wasn't always for her. Sure The safest thing wasn't being a loner, but within a pack. Fic chuckled to herself. Sure she'd lie if she didn't say she dreamed of a pack. Right now though, it was not something within the females cards.

Ivory tipped ears flickered upon her cranium, catching the sound of water meeting against some of the willows that touched down into the liquids of the many streams that flowed on by. The ground was softer, some rocks were covered in moss. A few deer alerted as they caught Fic's scent on the gentle wind, giving a few snorts and keeping their own gazes locked on the predator.