
A walk through the woods



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
04-01-2024, 08:37 PM

Avacyn invited her to come find out just how kinky the Mendaciums truly were, and oh by the moon and stars, did she intend to! Juniper didn't share those thoughts aloud though, not wanting to fully break Ava just yet before they even got to any of the good parts, but she did intend to show her friend just how free and open her sexuality was, thanks in no small part to her free love and wild spirit upbringing she'd had from her nomad druid of a father and the untamed raw spirit of her mother. Ava agreed to the cave suggestion, just as she expected she would, and Juniper was already on her paws, flashing a naughty grin up at the taller fae when that feather duster of a tail brushed along her back, teasing her spine quite nicely with those feather-light touches. June led the way back through the pine forest until she spied the secluded cave entrance tucked away in a small knoll, unassuming and easy to overlook. Perfect for their sapphic antics they planned on getting up to, and if Juniper had her way, would wind up being their shelter for the night too.

Slipping inside on almost silent paws, Juniper sampled the air. The cave was cool and quiet, and the air smelled clean and, more importantly, free of any other creature scents. Inside, the pair of faes discovered the remnants of an old campsite, including some old bedding they could make excellent use of. Having been raised to forage and utilize any means of survival in the wild, this was the equivalent of coming across treasure to the little nomadic fae! "Oh yeah, this is gonna work nicely!" June remarked as she took stock of what they'd found. Avacyn was already sprucing up the bedding for the inevitable fucking, and Juniper stood by and watched as the larger lady made the bed nice and cozy for them, then settled herself down to present her body like a centerpiece of a feast. Juniper's mint eyes lit up with barely contained desire, a sultry smirk on her muzzle as she strode over to join her new lover.

Juniper didn't hesitate to climb right into Avacyn's arms, but didn't stop until she had moved up to press her mouth slowly and sensually against the Mendacium fae's, kissing her with a slow simmering passion so she could properly introduce her to the pleasures of a woman. Tiny paws rested on Ava's chest, then slid up the side of her neck to caress her cheeks, green eyes closing with quiet murrs as she deepened their kiss, holding Ava tenderly, letting her move at her own pace and savor the sensations two faes could bring to one another.

"Juniper of the Sea"