


03-10-2013, 08:17 PM

A woman came in after him. As appealing as her looks were, her mouth was not. Marvel's eyes rolled and another small snort escaped him before he could control it and force it elsewhere. Why did she find it necessary to use so many names and phrases that meant nothing? How arrogant this group was. Still, Marvel wasn't without his faults, and couldn't sit by and judge them for too long. He had other things on his mind anyway, like the alpha female. She was fantastically beautiful, uniquely so. She was a prize he could not afford to ignore. He would have her one day, the man was sure of it. The woman spoke up, her wording as beautiful as her face. Sterling eyes would set upon her as she voiced her opinion, something in her tone hinting that she felt very much like he did toward certain wolves who were present. She addressed him at last, mentioning that he would not be turned away. A smile flickered on his face, meant only for her. Her comment made him smirk, and a single sterling eye closed in a charming wink, hinting that he'd noted her meaning behind it. She did think like he did. She also stated that they would meet when the meeting adjourned so he could tend to her wounds. instantly, his mind raced to herbs or plants he might have seen that could help her. Healing was a difficult art, but it was one he loved. Most thought it interesting when he stated his claim to fame, but Marvel saw it only as who he was.

The name of the pack was given. Ludicael. A proper name, he thought. She spoke on, eloquently disregarding the law that had been proposed. This too might have made Marvel snort, but he managed to catch the breath of air before it escaped, merely raising a brow in response. It was ridiculous, really, how these fools were acting. Marvel was certain he was the smartest wolf here, save for perhaps Jupiter. The woman's rabbit was to be divided among them, but Marvel would take no part in it. Let the rest of them eat, he was capable enough for finding his own prey. Besides, herbs were the only things on his mind at the moment. He'd already chosen a powerful concoction that would hopefully speed the healing of his new Alpha female. The pearly man would wait until the meeting was over, and then assure his leader that he would return at once with the proper ingredients for her healing. He would prove himself, alright, and charm the lady at the same time. Two birds with one stone.
