
Even more Raider brats

Jael x Modesty x Gilgamesh kids


04-05-2024, 11:51 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2024, 04:03 AM by MalBelle. Edited 9 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: MalBelle
Parents: Gil x Mod
Character's Name: Cutlass Fallen
Gender: male
Adult Height: Dire, 45”
Build: Light
Appearance Description:

the boy takes after his mother in extravagance, pelt comically at odds with his no-nonsense personality. a deep russet interspersed with streaks of galactic purple and orange, he brings to mind violet flame and apocalypse sky, a warm-toned midnight printed across his fur. fittingly, ‘Las is covered in star-like speckles from head-to-toe, and his eyes are beads of amber set into a long, narrow face. from his forehead protrude a pair of muntjac antlers identical to his mother’s, which begin as tiny nubs but reach full-size by the time he’s an adult. though he’s a rather small pup, the boy experiences a grow-spurt once he hits his first year and will never seem to stop, shooting up until he matches his formidable parents in height. impossibly lanky, he’s essentially built like a twig, and will have quite a bit of trouble controlling his gangly limbs for the first two years of his life.
tldr: lanky mfer
Mutations: Muntjac antlers

- bookish, practical, sarcastic, mild-mannered, resourceful, aloof, pessimistic, worrier, insightful, hot-tempered

from childhood, the boy will be quiet and mild-mannered, not prone to the emotional fits and tantrums so characteristic of children. rather, he has a natural love of books and will spend much of his first year engrossed in a text, with an equal love for fiction and non-fiction both. there is something spiritually older about the boy; he will give the impression of an old man in a pup’s body. aloof and secretive, he finds it hard to confide in others and is difficult to get to know, hoarding his true feelings close to his chest with all the jealously of a dragon hoarding gold. still, the face he presents to the world is mild-mannered and generally polite, disguising the tempest of his mind with a distant smile.

Las will be a touch shy as a child, but this will erode with age - in fact, though he’ll never be outspoken, he’ll learn to speak his mind with such decisive finality those around him might wish he’d remained that tentative little scrap. when he’s grown, he’ll be known for his story-telling and his easy way with pups - a talented teacher and mentor in his own right.

naturally a problem-solver, the boy has a practicality that can border on callous, with a particular impatience for the idiotic. indeed, Las will suffer no fools. this doesn’t mean he’s unapproachable, however - in fact, far from it. resourceful and a veritable wealth of advice, it is likely he will help his siblings weather many a storm in his lifetime. despite his reserved nature, he is unexpectedly witty, with a sharp tongue and a vault of observational quips.

pessimistic in nature, Cutlass is a chronic over-thinker living in perpetual certainty that the roof is about to cave in on him at any moment. though he presents a steady, no-nonsense facade, he nurses a rather low self-esteem that can leave him moody and irritable, convinced of his own incompetence and unworthiness. no matter how adamant his companions, a part of him will always be braced for abandonment.

alas, the boy is still a raider, and as best as he’d like to ignore it, there lives a blazing inferno at the pit of his stomach - rage. struck against his heart upon birth, what begins as a single ember will spiral into a wildfire licking against the marrow of his ribcage. it’ll be largely inconsequential when he’s young, but as he grows, Cutlass will notice a hot-temper he spends much of his adolescence attempting to quell. forever burning at the forefront of his mind, he’ll grapple with a quivering fury that threatens his mild-mannered facade and scares him with its intensity. this, ultimately, lies at the heart of the boy: as much as he claims to want a life of peace - a sentiment he’ll strive to live by, at least initially - he craves danger and the thrill of battle. as such, he may find himself tempted by the adventurous and delinquent.
Alignment: True Neutral
Skills: Intellect & Nav (may switch to Fighting later depending on ic development)
Intended plots: (Optional)

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