
cover your charming, long ears



Expert Fighter (155)

Expert Intellectual (200)

2 Years
Dire wolf
04-06-2024, 08:37 AM
Maki's cheeks were flushed with warmth, her gaze shifty as she hid amongst the Willows. She was far away enough from home, surely? She sucked in a deep breath, scenting the air with his mismatched nose, checking then double-checking to make sure Delphi hadn't followed. That no one in general was lurking around. With the world as vast as it was, you'd be surprised how hard it was to find...privacy, she always found company in the most unexpected places. And usually that was a good thing, she liked people, even if she was sometimes kinda awkward and cringe.

But now?

Oh ho ho. She'd brought along her little collection of scrawled notes, ideas that had popped into her head and she was determined to compile them together into one story. So many troupes, a lot of them were contradictory and wouldn't mush together well, but her mind was made. Her creative vision floating about in her mind, ready for a spill of words to tumble from her lips. Maki got comfortable against one of the willow trees, back resting against it, tail curled around her back thigh. Her poor little rat scribe looked less than thrilled, but the scraps Maki gave were pretty good....

"Ahem. Where did we get to?" The rat patted at the notepad and Maki skim read the part of the story they'd left things off at. Ugh, he was so dreamy sometimes she just couldn't, got flustered just thinking about her stories, let alone putting it into words. "You remember yeah, write everything I say!" her scowl wasn't very threatening, all it earned was an eye roll for the rat. "Deron's muscles rippled with desire, his gaze so darkly intense Ebony couldn't help but feel intimidated. He was so strong and masculine, so dangerous and yet she wanted nothing more than to fall into his embrace. He- he stepped up behind her, chin resting on the shaply curve of her back, her form petite and slim yet she had such a temptingly curvy rump. They shouldn't...she wouldn't allow him this close and yet...   "

Oh gosh, her cheeks felt like they were about to burst into flames.
[Image: dfv6kr2-ecca3233-91c7-4b9d-8cd6-563616ef...2RHh0DJeE0]