
Something something first impressions




Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
04-06-2024, 01:26 PM
Huffing and puffing, she’d slowly catch her breath- though, the way her sides rose and fell, creating outward retractions of her subcostal muscles, made it seem like she was gasping. His damn heavy paw. Sometimes Nimue wondered how different it would be, if she’d been born a giant- to have the power and strength to hold someone down, to watch them squirm in anguish beneath her paw. Maybe she would have stood a chance against this dude. But alas, fantasies were just that- fantasies. Fleeting thoughts that came and went on a whim.

And boy, they went. Her mind momentarily went blank as he strolled away from her, mumbling under his breath and entering the shallows of the tide. He’d talk about Chimera while he flopped around. Drenching his midnight coat, washing away the blood on his chest, taking his time. And when he was finished, he emerged from the water like a model on baywatch- his fur clinging to his body like a second skin, outlining every nook and cranny of his youthful musculature- leaving nothing to the imagination. Admittedly, Nimue was captivated- she hadn’t seen anything like that before. A foreign wave of emotion washed over her- igniting a tickle in her gut, one that rose into her back and crawled down her spine. What the hell?

Still, she’d keep glaring at him, revisiting his statement about Chimera in her head as he approached. He asked for her paw, wanting to inspect it, talking about quills. Quills? Like, porcupine quills? Now she was confused as hell. “What do you mean quills?” She blurted out, looking him up and down, suspicion contorting her features. ”What are you, a mutant?” Why the hell did he have quills? There’s no way that was natural- he had to be a science experiment or something.

Although she wanted to resist his help, and she did for a few moments- keeping her bleeding paw close to her chest, glaring daggers- but eventually, she gave in. Slowly, she’d extend her paw out to him, allowing him to inspect it. And while he did, her mind revisited his statement about Chimera again. “Sounds like he’s your favorite uncle.” She’d say, sarcastic and a little bitter. “He caught me in the estuary, killing a bird. I hadn’t eaten in days.” She’d stop there, reluctant to tell him the whole story.


Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!

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1. Something something first impressions Cryer's Ravine 12:03 PM, 03-12-2024 08:34 AM, 05-07-2024