
Fruition of dominion

pack meeting


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-06-2024, 04:20 PM

ooc: acknowledging each wolf entering

One by one his brood would show their faces- a steady stream of bodies that moved in silent determination, their faces set in grim resolve that boasted their fervor. Azoula was the first to appear, bowing down before her Sultan and conveying both her deference and loyalty as his appointed Effendi-Kole. He’d offer her nothing more than a glance, acknowledging her presence before his gaze shifted to the others. Kaino was next; her appearance taking Sephiran by surprise, as she was injured to an extent - the flesh around her eye inflamed, and her gait unsteady as she sank down onto her belly. Cocking his head slightly, he roves his gaze across her body- searching for clues, questioning the source of her injury. Had a Norad wolf retaliated against her? His tail twitched behind him, giving insight to the accusative thoughts swarming in his mind - her concerning state, acting as the catalyst.

But he’d have little time to dwell on it - more wolves were emerging from the forest, their arrivals marked by an aura of malevolence, a palpable shift in the atmosphere heralding their presence. Caedes next, and following after was… Oh? Just the sight of his brother set the Sultan on edge- a surge of hot, searing anger rising from within, sweeping away his stoic expression. His eyes, once filled with camaraderie for his bother, blazing with fury and disdain- toes flexing to claw against the stone, each muscle fiber beneath his pelt alive with energy, pulsating with a primal display of prowess. He’d vanished into thin air, left their band without permission, and hadn’t shown his face at the Norad takeover. To Sephiran, this was an act of betrayal- not only as his brother, but to his role as Sultan.

And if it weren’t for Cifarelli’s gesture of submission and appeasement, communicating deference and his desire to minimize conflict and willingness to yield. Sephiran may have leaped down from his perch, and maimed the brute to serve as a warning to the others. Do not betray me. Standing tall and erect, his posture exuding superiority and confidence, there is a subtle tilt of his chin and a slight puffing of his chest- his expression radiating an unmistakable aura of authority and disdain, as he glares down at his brother and the girl he’d brought as a gift. The tension between them is palpable, slicing into Cifarelli’s flesh in a single, silent warning. Sephiran would be seeking him out later. With a dismissive nod, he motions for Cifarelli to take a seat on the sidelines, before shifting his gaze to the next set of arrivals.

Until finally, the entirety of his pack would congregate at his paws- eager to be molded into his weaponry, to serve him in his pursuits. Even Aurelia showed her face, keeping to the sidelines and remaining silent. Sephiran made a note to visit her later- to instill his new expectations into her. Ezekiel was the last to arrive, having settled in near his sister and turning his attention to his Sultan. Sephiran’s gaze sweeps across the pack one last time, and with a nod, he signals the beginning of the meeting.

ooc: meeting starts

Silence fell over the assembled wolves, before his guttural voice sliced through the clearing. “My heathens,” He begins, addressing them as a whole. “Today marks the fruition of dominion- our rule as The Syndicate, over The Polar Sound and Ardens Glacies.” His gaze settles on Kaino- a gleam of appreciation for her blazing in his eyes. “In the face of uncertainty, you’ve proven your resolve- united in purpose, unwavering in your loyalty and determination.” His voice carried a weight of gratification, his gaze sweeping across the faces of each wolf to acknowledge their contributions and strengths. Shifting back to Kaino and Rhazien, he reveals his first point of the morning- rewarding them with ranks. “For your efforts, you will be named my Emira.” He says, speaking directly to Kaino, appointing her as his beta female. And to Rhazien, he appoints him as the pack's lead diplomat. “And Rhazien, you will be our Effendi-Dhaka.” Nodding to his uncle, he doesn’t wait for a response, before shifting to the tigress in the crowd. “Azoula, you will serve as our Effendi-Kole.” Waiting a few seconds, he continues with an explanation for the rest of the group, wanting her purpose to be known and understood. “She is our Sidi handler- all concerns regarding your Sidi, are directed to her. She will ensure their survival and groom them into submission.” She’d been the Effendi-Kole back in Saffron, and already knew the expectations. She’d fit well into the role beneath his rule, no doubt.

Progressing the meeting, Sephiran delved deeper into the topic of ranks- to clarify them to the wolves who weren’t from Saffron. “The Syndicate will have one Sultan- myself. Beneath me, is the Emir and an Emira- betas who directly serve me. Kaino is my appointed Emira, but the role of Emir is unclaimed. I encourage one of my capable males to challenge for this.” His attention shifted to the powerhouses of the group, particularly Aresenn and Caedes- gaze focused and attentive, fixed on the object of anticipation with unwavering intensity. Waiting for the first sign of fulfillment, as he silently demands one of the males step forward and claim the role.

Continuing, he addresses the pack as a whole again. “Beneath the Emir and Emira are leads, referred to as Effendi: Effendi Haakim, lead physician. Effendi Sayd, lead hunter. Effendi Muqatil, lead militant. You must be an expert in these areas, before you may challenge for the role. Don’t waste my time.” A single warning, palpable with an undercurrent of disdain towards weaker wolves. If the challenger was not a master in their role, Sephiran forbade them from trying to claim a lead rank. “The rest of you will be Ghazi- subordinates expected to fulfill the mundane tasks that provide for our kingdom.” There was no pride in being a Ghazi- in the Saxe world, it meant you lacked drive and fervor. “And beneath the Ghazi, are our Sidi- slaves whose roles are to satiate our depravities. You may share them, or claim one as your own- but my Sidi are off limits.” A low, guttural growl accompanied his words- he’d made it known before, but he reiterated it now. Aurelia was his alone to command; interfering with her, was be punishable by extreme measures. Aresenn and Absinth knew that well. His growl tapered off, though the stern, intense expression on his face remained- lips pressed firmly, as his ears flicked forward.

Before opening the opportunity for rank challenges, he progressed to the next topic to be addressed- politics. Of course, one pack and alpha, in particular, came to mind- eliciting a surge of adrenaline and testosterone, lips curling into a sneer of disdain. “But before we delve into rank challenges, we need to discuss our standing with other packs.” The air was crackling with intensity, as the Sultan struggled to contain the raging fire burning within. Threatening to singe anything within its proximity. “The Hallows, led by a male named Artorias, has declared us an enemy against the Ashen Empire. This includes the Armada, and other packs. I will be sending our diplomats to investigate the extent of this alliance, to gather information to prepare ourselves for war.” A short pause, as his tone sharpens. “Until we’ve enhanced our forces and fortified our defenses, do not engage with these wolves; but if they initiate violence, show them no mercy. Adorn yourselves with their pelts, litter our borders with their corpses, hang their heads on our walls.” These were Rhazien’s words, not his. But the threatening undercurrent of his words was palpable- he wouldn’t give another warning to his brood. If he discovered one of his members had defied him, there would be dire consequences. They needed to be stronger before they marched back into hells domain- even if Sephiran wanted to march into The Hallows and skin their alpha alive. That’s what Rhazien instilled in his mind, following their altercation with Artorias at Norad’s borders- and he trusted his uncle's guidance, because it hadn’t steered him wrong yet.

Rolling his shoulders forward, his jaw relaxed from its rigid set- breaths, once rapid and shallow, starting to depend and slow. “I will need volunteers to join Rhazien as diplomats in this pursuit- to gather information about the packs in these lands, and choose our first raid target.” Again, his gaze sweeps the crowd- eyes urging someone to fulfill the expectation, assuming one of them has a readiness to respond to the task. “If no one offers, I will choose participants.” He made it known, that this wasn’t an option; someone would be accompanying Rhazien in this pursuit.

With a deep, guttural rumble, Sephiran closes the first round of this meeting, following with a single command before he falls silent. “Anyone who wishes to challenge for a rank, may do so now.” The Sultan straightened out then, shoulders squared and chin held high, projecting a sense of command and control. His eyes scanned the group with focused intensity, conveying a silent expectation for their participation. Or did they want to writhe at the bottom of the ranks like maggots?  

ooc: rank challenges, volunteers to investigate other packs / choose a raid target is encouraged & opened up to everyone now!

Code by Sea
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.

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1. Fruition of dominion The Polar Sound 02:13 PM, 03-21-2024 08:55 AM, 05-08-2024