
dally dilly dum


"The Audacity™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid Queen

Master Navigator (306)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Wordy1KRaiderDream WeaverTeacherStudent
Double MasterSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
04-06-2024, 10:00 PM


Things were going better than Modesty could have hoped, and she smirked at Artorias's suggestion with regards to teaching her children the importance of announcing themselves, “I'm sure you understand how counterproductive that could be if your usual modus operandi is to sneak in and rob others blind, no?” It was meant as a joke, the Raiders were yet to be quiet enough for their incursions to not be met with tooth and claw, but perhaps one day they'd learn some stealth.

Modesty took the basket gratefully, eyeing the bottle inside appreciatively, along with the invitation to fill the basket with berries from the orchard, her attention turning to Briar as she filled Modesty in on her experiment. “I haven't taken to brewing myself, but I do have a son who is quite curious about the process. I believe he tried making something with fruits from an orchard at Rio Grande recently, but the resulting concoction tasted like dirt, or so he told me.” Modesty chuckled, “If a brown spotted boy with Gilgamesh's yellow eyes comes snooping around he might be looking for pointers.” No doubt Kenway would make an appearance if he figured out someone had figured out how to blend fruits into alcohol, it was worth a heads up, for as teddy-bearish as the boy could be, he wasn't the sharpest child she had birthed. “Though I will apologise in advance, he's... certainly not Siduri.” She was appreciative of the kind words offered too, “I'm sure there will be a raid at some point, but I'd prefer to keep it friendly if we can. I'll see if I can't send a bird ahead with a bit of warning next time.” She offered to the two leaders with a wink.

Feeling her purpose here had been met, she dipped her head appreciatively, “Thank you both, for coming all the way out here to meet with me, particularly given the history between our packs, it was more than I could have asked for. Hopefully, interactions can continue to be less... heated? In the future.” After all, it was getting on, and she had quite a walk to make it home.


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1. dally dilly dum The Starlit Plains 09:23 PM, 02-10-2024 02:56 PM, 05-20-2024