
Foolish men



The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
04-06-2024, 11:46 PM

She sifted through a couple of jars in the cabinet near by to find the medicine, keeping an ear turned toward him as he explained that the puncture wound on his chest was from a run in with a boar. That would certainly explain the deep but fairly narrow puncture wound–just big enough for a boar's tusk. She retrieved the small jar of mixed, honied herbs and carried it back over to where he had settled, setting it on a small side table so she could pull the cork lid off. She looked up at him with an incredulous look as he added that he needed to get back out there to retrieve his sword, but she stopped herself with a sigh before she could disagree or deny him the option. She knew that Mercury had one of the limited number of Carpathian steel weapons and how important they were to the wolves that carried them. She knew that if this was Artorias she was speaking to she wouldn't have even been able to properly bandage him up before he was pushing his way past her to get to Embershard.

"Alright," she agreed reluctantly as she used a wooden spoon to portion out a dose of the medicine, lifting it up for him to take. "But not before you take this and let me check your wounds again now that I have proper light to see by." The firelight the night before had been sufficient to do the initial triage and bandaging just to get by with, but she and Blue needed the daylight to stitch up the wound. Once he took the pain medication she put the lid back on the jar and went to work gently unwrapping his bandages with practiced paws, exposing the gash so she could look over it carefully. "You got very lucky that it didn't get you worse than it did," she commented as she reached for a rag to lightly wipe away some old blood. "Any deeper and I'd worry that it would have punctured a lung or organ." Luckily he seemed to be mostly intact other than the pain and soreness.

She took a bit of time both to let the medicine she gave him kick in and to rewrap his bandages before she finally relented and allowed him to get up from the cot. "I'm coming with you," she insisted, walking across to her desk to pick up her traveling cloak, slinging it around her shoulders before she pinned it closed with the silver, Carpathian steel broach at her shoulder. "If you have to go right this moment–which I'm sure you want to–I'm certainly not going to let you go alone." After quickly sliding on her bracer with her dagger tucked into the side of it she returned to Mercury with a nod. "Lead the way, but take your time."

"Gwynevere Carpathius"

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1. Foolish men Amron's Castle 03:32 PM, 04-06-2024 08:28 PM, 06-18-2024