
Fruition of dominion

pack meeting


"Devil has my ear today, I'll never hear a word you say."

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (275)

Master Healer (260)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - DemisexualRapid Poster - Gold1K
04-07-2024, 06:45 PM

The heathens gathered before Sephiran, each member stepping into the clearing with a mix of calculation and anticipation. Caedes observed each with a keen eye, his expression unreadable as he awaited his cousin's words.

The revelation of Cifarelli’s betrayal. Caedes had wondered where the male was, and even where Auriga had been — but the answer was obvious. They had left. Sephiran's fury blazed like fire, consuming any semblance of welcome as he confronted the traitor with a primal display of dominance. Caedes's own emotions churned beneath the surface, a mixture of anger and disappointment at Cifa’s absence. But indifference had always served him well, so he regarded his wayward cousin with a detachment befitting his hardened exterior. Only Cifarelli's submissive gesture spared him from Sephiran's wrath, though the tension between them lingered. Caedes knew his cousin would face repercussions for his actions, a reckoning that would come in due time. Not that it was his concern, unless Sephiran willed it so.

Azoula's deference was expected, her loyalty unwavering as she bowed before their Sultan, her role as Effendi-Kole solidifying her position within the pack. Caedes noted the respect in Sephiran's glance, mostly likely for the tiger's role back in Saffron marking her importance here and now. As Sephiran bestowed ranks upon his chosen few, Caedes remained silent but vigilant. He watched as Kaino and Rhazien were appointed to their positions, offering each a smirk in acknowledgment. His sister had done well to earn her rank, and Rhazien had proven to be the mediator Sephiran needed as they strengthened the Syndicate in its youth.

When Sephiran outlined their standing with the Hallows and the possibility of war in the future the obsidian brute felt his hackles bristle, and his maw tingle with saliva at the thought. He was ready. But time would be the deciding factor, and they needed to gain more strength first.

To the hierarchical order of The Syndicate, Caedes listened intently, noting the challenge in his cousin's gaze as the Sultan eyed him briefly for the Emir role. But he waited for the purple brute to finish speaking, emeralds blazing as he gave his full attention. Sephiran ought to have known where Caedes’ heart lied when it came to his interests.

The call for volunteers was a demand, and while Caedes was much more level headed than some of his kin he wondered if there wouldn’t be a more suited brute than he when it came to politics. He mulled the thought over, tail flicking as for a moment he considered using the opportunity to lay his relationship with Mariah under the guise of politics… but that would only be a temporary bandage; and a dishonest one at that.

Sephiran closed the meeting with a command to challenge for ranks, and Caedes stood tall — resolute, his gaze sweeping the assembled wolves with a silent challenge of his own. He was ready to prove himself, to rise through the ranks and serve his Sultan with bloodthirsty loyalty. He saw Aresenn rise to the occasion as well, opting to lay claim to the rank of Emir in the end. With a smirk, Caedes lifted his skull to meet Sephiran’s gaze before he turned to eye the others, his voice rising brutally over the silence. “Effendi Haakim.”

For Caedes, this was the path he desired most, to serve and protect. To heal and to poison. And why couldn’t brutality take a close second?


Caedes is a mature character, viewer discretion is advised.
Unless otherwise stated, assume he is not wearing his feathered skull mask.

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