
fley ok fagrar árar




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Hunter (90)

4 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
04-07-2024, 10:52 PM

She watched fight after fight after fight as the warriors of The Hallows and of the Vikings clash as she waited for an opportunity. Stalking the perimeter, she kept her eyes peeled, her ravens circling overhead as they kept a lookout. Vidarr fell against The Hallows leader, causing Brida to curl her lip. Was Vidarr getting too old for this? Or was Artorias simply stronger than the older Viking King? She didn't know what the reasoning was...though if Vidarr was slipping, perhaps it was soon time for new blood. Perhaps a youngblood that could keep up with the crowd. Though she respected Vidarr and his tenacity, sometimes the winds of change were needed. Turning her gaze away when her ravens issued a warning call, she found a Hallows Youngblood charging at her, seeking the Imperialis born womans throat. She smirked as she turned to retaliate, her head lowering to cover her throat as she kicked off to meet the girl in the last few feet, chest to chest if need be before lifting a heavy forepaw.

Cocked and ready, she aimed to land a heavy slap against the side of the girls head to throw her off course and rattle her brain a little bit. Jaws opened up as she turned her head toward the smaller girls scruff, looking to grab her and toss her down into the dirt. Vidarr had said this was more for practice, and while Brida possessed a fire that demanded feeding, she supposed she would have to force herself to hold back at least this once much to her dismay...

Brida vs Ember Carpathius for Dominance (raid)
Round: 1/2
Age: Over 1yr
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bear Claw Gloves
Defensive Battle Accessory: Grizzly Bear Armor
Companion 1: Raven, Male - Flying [Perception]
Companion 2: Raven, Female - Flying [Perception]
Mutation 1: Bear paws - Offensive
Mutation 2: Saber Fangs - Offensive
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Hunter
Specialty: n/a


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1. fley ok fagrar árar Amron's Castle 09:59 AM, 04-01-2024 04:48 PM, 05-07-2024