
I'm gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone

Mercury, Ezra, Sephiran (and Kaino if desired)


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
04-07-2024, 11:33 PM

My, was the tension between the two groups electrifying and palpable; creating a surge of energy you could feel in your skin, clawing its way down your spine until each hair fiber stood erect from its magnitude. And the anger emanating from Sephiran, was a searing heat against his back- he didn’t even have to look at his nephew, to know he was festering with rage. His animosity charged the atmosphere with the raw intensity of fury, and Rhazien feared he was unable to hold him back much longer. Especially with the way Artorias was speaking to them. Accusatory, seething with disdain, not making physical moves to initiate a bloodbath but his choice of words was a catalyst nonetheless- and enough to draw out a deepening snarl from Sephiran, in which Rhazien flicked an ear to remind him not to bend in the face of a threat.

Because that was the brute’s way of keeping the reins on the embodiment of evil, as Rhazien knew Sephiran was a labyrinth of depravity and madness- capable of unleashing hell into the lives of those around him. Having helped raise the boy, and being a product of the nefarious Saxe upbringing himself, Rhazien had become a chameleon of sorts- possessing a magnetic charisma and a calculating mind, scheming stratagems designed to manipulate and control. Not even his nephew was spared. And so, he’d picked Sephiran’s brain long enough to know his triggers- using reverse psychology, to keep him at bay. And so far, it was working.

At least, until Artorias started threatening their family, claiming he would hunt them down if they did not turn tail and flee. Rhazien had kept his disarmingly affable expression, up until this point - that suave, gleaming smirk morphing into a thin, pressed line. Sephiran had been pushed to the limit, having stepped forward to stand beside Rhazien, unyielding and steadfast in his resolve. His words caught the older brute by surprise- he’d expected Sephiran’s singular ounce of patience to break. But instead, he stood his ground and reciprocated Artorias’ threats- aligning himself with his family, ready to ignite a wave of destruction if it meant keeping them safe. For most of his life, Sephiran had been quite selfish, fueled by his insatiable appetite for self-gratification and lack of empathy- but now that he had a group to command, a kingdom to protect - he was starting to change. Oh, how Rhazien wondered what Apollyon would say about his son now.

But these musings would be saved for another time- they had three, battle-ready males thirsting for blood right in front of them, after all. And so, Rhazien would take the lead once more- leaning subtly towards Sephiran, feeling Kaino gravitate towards them as well - uniting them as a collective power, and a force to be reckoned with. “Straight from the Sultan himself,” Rhazien begins, referring to Sephiran’s words. “It seems we’ve become an enemy of the Ashen Empire.” What exactly that meant, Rhazien did not know- but he would be finding out soon. He was their diplomat, after all. “Though, perhaps if we had met on different terms,” Despite the current situation, he still upholds his beguiling charm; honeyed words slipping through his relaxed jaws, sincerity accompanying his tone. “You’d come to realize, we aren’t so different.” He was referring to their fundamental instinct to protect the ones they love, even if that meant destroying the world in the process. The resolve to move the heavens and earth to keep them safe. “We are wolves, after all. Survival is in our nature. It stems into our very core; an innate impulse we are all born with.” A short pause, as he aligns his gaze with Artorias’, allowing pools of amethyst and emerald to melt into those of smoldering amber.  “And just as you proclaim your willingness to ‘hunt’ our family.” He motions towards Sephiran, who is still standing taught in his resolve. “We’ve made it clear we will stop at nothing to ensure our blood flourishes in these lands.” Ahh, there it was- his proclamation that the Saxe group wouldn’t be leaving Ardent. Not now, not ever.

Rolling his shoulders forward, Rhazien released some of the tension in his upper body. If Kaino didn’t have anything to say, he’d initiate a dismissal of the three men at their borders. “Gentlemen.” He’d say, giving them each a nod, and saving Artorias for last. Peering into those amber eyes, furrowing a brow in a subtle, hardly noticeable manner. My, that sword was something. Truly, Rhazien couldn’t help but wonder, how an interaction between himself and the male may have transpired, under different circumstances. But alas, fate had intentionally set them as enemies, and that was something Rhazein could come to terms with.

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

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1. I'm gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone Cedar Falls 06:42 PM, 03-21-2024 08:29 PM, 06-18-2024