
I'm gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone

Mercury, Ezra, Sephiran (and Kaino if desired)


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
04-08-2024, 01:47 AM

Oooo, fancy words and nasty little threats all around. The boys spat at one another, tension thick enough in the air that Kai could close her jaws around it if she wished. Artorias, as he'd introduced himself, told them to leave. He TOLD them to leave. The lavender and smoke fae's lip curled back to flash teeth and she hissed out an audible eesh. Some guys were so uppity, so entitled. It was laughable, really.

Sephiran reacted as Kai had expected, agreeing that they were indeed enemies. Rhazien tried his best to smooth things over, though he wouldn't go against Sephiran's proclamation. It seemed that the meeting was coming to an end. A soft huff of amusement ghosted through the woman's pink nares and she took a step forward. "Hiiiiii, Kaino Saxe" she introduced herself cheerfully, the brilliant puff of bobbed tail flicking back and forth as though she was the happiest little thing on the planet. She was.

"So you're upset because we didn't spill blood?" She gave a cute little head tilt, one brow lifting as she questioned the blue alpha. "I orchestrated this takeover," she informed the trio of brutes. "and I did so in a manner where no one would be injured." Mint and ice eyes stared straight into the fiery orbs of Artorias. There was no fear in Kaino. There never would be. "Norad was weak and far too kind for their own good. The boy was never at risk of injury. In fact, I sent him home with books and treats." The fae's head tilted in the opposite direction as she questioned the man again. "That seems far better than decimating an entire family, which we very well could have done."

Kaino lifted a silver gloved paw, waving at the air between them. "My point is, that our takeover was peaceful though it didn't have to be. We aren't all bloodthirsty." Again she flashed her winning smile, charming little bastard that she was. "We are, however, a family. Just as you are a family. Just as Norad is a family. And we will defend ours if need be." Digging her front paws into the earth, Kai gave a little stretch as though this was just a conversation over afternoon tea. "This continent is big enough for all of us, you know?" Again Kaino's gaze was all for Artorias. "You might come for us, but don't expect that you'll go unscathed. For as kind as we were this time, we won't be if you come against us. Who are you willing to lose over this?" The woman gave him a wink and a smile. They could go to war, but there were always losses. Was Artorias willing to lose the wolves beside him? Was he willing to lose his children? His family? His own life? "Just think about it, 'kay?" She then looked at Rhazien and Sephiran, giving the two big boys a wide-eyed 'what' look before shrugging and looking back over her shoulder. "I hope we don't see one another too soon."

"Kaino Saxe"

Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]

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1. I'm gonna make you wish that you’d stayed gone Cedar Falls 06:42 PM, 03-21-2024 08:29 PM, 06-18-2024