
too young to be a wine cousin



Master Intellectual (265)

Expert Navigator (230)

1 Year

04-08-2024, 10:47 AM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2024, 08:51 PM by Gem. Edited 8 times in total.)

Gem is pleasantly surprised when the other older girl responds to her question. She's older and prettier and way over her league so Gem is happy that she's getting to talk to the girl at all. Ignoring the apprehensive glance from Hem, Gem steps closer to the concoction that Maki tends to. Pushing her nose closer to the pot, Gem inhales a deep whiff, her eyes closing slightly so she can take in all the different scents. When her eyes open again, she can't help the little gasp that escapes when she watches the rat scramble down to light the fire before heading back up to sit atop the girl's head. With wide eyes, she watches the similar appearing duo as she moves to sit close by to think about what else they should add.

"Hmm," Gem hums softly, her attention turning to Hem for a moment. She had just the right idea for what to add to Maki's concoction! "Go get the berries, pleeeease," she says sweetly to the dog before he takes off into the brush. "I think maybe we could add some blackberries and raspberries? They're very sweet this time of year and there's so many of them!!" Plus it was her favorite berry to paint with. They were soft and pliable enough that they could easily be squished and utilized with her paintings. If it had been spring, the berries would have been too hard, not quite ripe enough that they would've been practically useless and really too full of seeds to be delicious. Secretly, she hopes her idea is good enough because well, she only wants to make friends and screwing up would mean possibly losing Maki.

"Don't really need to know to have fun!" Gem says, smiling up at the girl. her tail thumping against the grass a few times. "I'm Gem Klein, by the way. My daddy is Chimera, he runs Ashen. Do you know him?" Her head tilts to the side just as Hem is wandering back with a basket full of red and black berries. Hem moves to place the basket beside the pot so that Maki and her companion could have a good sniff at them as well. Once the basket is set down, the dog steps back and takes a spot to lay behind Gem, just enough to keep an eye on her, but to also stay out of whatever they were cooking up. "Awe, come on, Hem, I know you want to try it!" Gem teases her companion, turning to look over her shoulder at her mastiff whose expression clearly states that he does not agree with her opinion. He gives her a quick shake of his head, muzzle drawing into a taut expression that was to mean business. There was no way she was getting any of that liquid closer to his mouth. "Maki, don't you think he should try some?" She continues to tease as she looks back to Maki, a sparkle in her eye that meant she was trying to be mischievous, but it didn't really feel like it was working. Gem wasn't really the bully type.

With the fire crackling loudly beneath the pot that Maki's rat stirred with a stick, Gem was eager to get her berries added to the bunch. As soon as she receives Maki's okay to add the berries to the mix, she picks up the basket and tilts her head to the side. Watching the berries tumble out the side, plopping into the water with little plunking noises, she giggles to herself. Oh, what a funny noise! Once they're all added, Gem sets the basket down and takes a step back for a moment to admire Maki's companion's handiwork. For a rat, Gem is surprised at how well the rodent is using its hands. Did Maki have them use their hands often? "It's starting to smell yummy already!" Gem says suddenly with encouragement, tail thumping against her legs and smile pulling at her two-toned lips.

Little time passes before Gem is eager and impatient to give their concoction a try. Stepping forward as the rat stops stirring, Gem looks over to Maki. "Think we should strain the seeds out first?" Her brow furrows in question, trying to think if that would be a good idea. Eh, they could deal with it! Plus, she had helped mash up the chunkier bits quite a lot so it should've smoothed out! Right? Well, Gem would be proven wrong. Carefully ladling a few scoops into a wooden bowl, Gem blows on the warm liquid few times until the steam rolling off of the surface dissipates. Once its cool enough to drink, she takes a few laps of it. That was all she needed before pulling back with a wrinkled muzzle and scrunched up nose. "Oh, it needs something sweet!" She exclaims, ears pulling backward as she grimaces at Maki. "Did I ruin it with my tart berries?" Gem asks, her grimace turning into a disappointed frown.

Gem Klein

wc: 833
total: 1529

Hematite, Gem's Mastiff, is always with her unless stated he isn't.

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1. too young to be a wine cousin Cryer's Ravine 01:37 PM, 03-14-2024 01:26 PM, 06-24-2024
2. too young to be a wine cousin IC Archives 01:26 PM, 06-24-2024 12:02 PM, 06-22-2024
3. too young to be a wine cousin Cryer's Ravine 12:02 PM, 06-22-2024 01:06 AM, 05-20-2024