
If you obey, I might give you a treat.




Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

Toy size
04-08-2024, 08:10 PM

Detached from the others. Too many, too warm, too often. His skin crawled, teeth always bared, fur constantly bristled. Why did they have to touch him so much? Too much. Yuck. Staying away, as far as he can, without being grumbled at. Sleep at the base of the three, beneath the willows. Watch the fireflies, listen to the stream. It was much better out here. His eyes wide, ears flicking back and forth, tail tapping at the bark and dirt.

Sleep is foreign to him. Day is terrible, too bright unless clouds roll in. Nighttime is nicer, more peaceful, leave busy. He likes that but its perhaps the only thing he likes aside from the puppy instinct to be attached to Cricket. Crickets. He can hear those. Grasshoppers? He's not sure the difference, doesn't particularly care either. They both taste the same, spill the same blood. Infuriate him with their incessant buzzing and too fast movements.

Bright green eyes look for those bugs but only find frogs and more fluttering fireflies. Right, quiet, serene, peaceful. A gentle wind through the boughs that brings scents to his twitching nose. Ah, there, wait. Alert, body already standing, muscles rigid. Wolf. Female. Searching, almost as if he's a bomb locking onto a target. Ears press forward, tail lifted over his spine, miniscule paws moving slowly. Lowering his frame ever so slightly though he doesn't need to. He's tiny enough as is.

Closer, closer, keep to the shadows. Watch, wait, hold his breath. Another foot closer, paws delicately moving over dying grass and malleable sticks. Shifting through the shadows like a feline stalking prey until he's closer enough. Hovering near a tree trunk, eyes placed directly on the girl, unblinking, body unmoving. Silent, unspeaking. She's... beauty, not like his siblings, different. New. Something in him hungers to know her.

Gourami Klein

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1. If you obey, I might give you a treat. Whistling Willows 11:54 AM, 04-05-2024 01:39 PM, 05-15-2024