
Dealing With the Devil


09-26-2013, 04:56 PM

She had had few run-ins with Gideon, but what she knew of him was nothing useful or interesting. Isardis joined the fray, and she knew that her part in this was through - though that didn't mean she had to hurry off. With interest she would remain a part of the group, listening to the girl state that she would be a hostage but she would not be a harlot. A snicker fell from the Sentinel's lips. ?Oh child, don't you know that a slave has no say in what becomes of her?? Did she really think that she could state the terms of her confinement? She had willingly given herself to them, and it was unlikely she would leave here unscathed. In fact - Sendoa would see to it personally that she did not. Tail would flicker behind her eagerly as she twisted forth beside Isardis. Her muzzle would crane to his right ear, whispering tantalizingly against the guard hairs. ?I will release him personally, Isardis - if you will allow me the pleasure.? She imagined that her brother would have plans for his newest hostage, and it would only be a waste of his time to deal with the mouthy valhallan king. Sendoa would take great pleasure in chasing the vermin far from the heart of Glaciem.
