
Oh My Gaur!



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
04-09-2024, 04:45 PM

Things at home had been… tense. The castle was shrouded in a palpable heaviness, an unspoken weight that all of their packmates could feel weighing down on their backs. Conversations, once easy and free now felt strained, words laden with an underlying sense of unease. Father was in his armory more often than not, guests were coming in and out of the pack lands, and tension was rising. Truthfully, Clove hadn’t paid much attention to the world of politics until now; because this shift in her home transpired after the overtaking of Norad.

Undeniably, Clove was carrying a sense of unease and apprehension lately; somewhat afraid of the world around her, and what it was turning into. Plagued by a sense of impending doom, the feeling that something sinister was looming on the horizon, but she couldn’t put her paw on it. And yet, interweaved with the uncertainty and doubt, was curiosity. What could drive a group of wolves to act so maliciously? It made her mind spin, truly- she just couldn’t fathom having the will to destroy someone’s home without a single care.

These thoughts lingered in the depths of her consciousness, churning her mind in relentless patterns. And they were the driving factor for her midday journey to The Aspen Dam, where Norad used to be. The pack that took over was gone thankfully, which meant Clove could do some looking around, wanting to investigate any clues or indicators of a motive.

Coming around a bend, she nearly bumps into a large white male; a bashful and astonished expression washing over her face, as she skids to a stop. “Oh! Sorry!” She says, immediately apologizing. As she looks up at him, noticing a woman at his side, she can’t help but catch the predatory gleam in his eyes; one she knew all too well. We’re they about to hunt?


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1. Oh My Gaur! Aspen Dam 12:28 PM, 04-07-2024 09:04 PM, 05-27-2024