
i didn't think i needed to tell you twice



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-09-2024, 05:25 PM
Haydée gazes up at Gilgamesh, weariness written into every line of her face but she calmly remains planted between her mother and the sneering Raid King. Thundering pawsteps have one ear swiveling back to catch the arrival of another but she does not break her eye contact with the man because, right now, this is between them. Then, he is speaking, spitting words laced with venom and scorn and the young woman simply allows him the time and space to talk.

While his rudeness irks her, the small Leader does not react or interject to point out the follies of his line of thinking. Only when he finishes, eyes narrowed and posture shifting does her own expression shift, exhaustion giving way to thoughtful consideration as Dagrún steps up beside her. Emerald gaze finally leaves Gilgamesh and comes to rest on her trusted Combatant, a small, grateful smile pulling at her lips as the woman speaks.

When Dagrún looks to her, giving her the power to actually make a decision without being told she has to do this or that, Haydée actually chuckles. With a small shake of her head, she says, “No, don’t leave. I want you to be a witness here. Both of you.” Eyes flick over her mother as that weariness that seems to have settled in her very bones are once more on full display but before she turns back to Gilgamesh, she steels her resolve.

Emerald gazes finally return to the man’s amber goat eyes and her expression is cool and composed as she slowly begins, “You trespass into our lands and don’t expect to be meet with force? After all that happened between our packs? Maybe, you really do believe that Ethne can pushed around so easily but that is not the case. You are lucky that I even answered your call and did not seek to run out immediately because, with the way you are talking to me, I am starting to really wish I had.”

Head lifts as Haydée gazes at him as her expression remaining calm as she continues, “However, I am tired of this whole fucking situation. Yes, your daughter was hurt on our lands, in a raid that was led against us. I have already apologized for her injuries and gave you the opportunity to mark me in return. That was your chance to take an eye for an eye. We sought to get our chickens back but in your warped view of the world, we are in the wrong for raiding you but not you for raiding us. And now you trespass, issuing demands and threats and expect me to just roll over, grovel, and beg your forgiveness?”

Head shakes slowly as she says, “Would that be the end of it? No, I don’t think it would be. You would continue to hold that over our heads as long as you can because your daughter was injured in our lands and not in some other pack.” Taking a deep breath, Haydée carefully chooses her next words, “At any other time I would not be willing to even entertain your demands but, right now, we are dealing with a lot more than this petty revival. So, tell me. If I do as say and go to the Hallows, alone, to offer my apologies to Siduri and Modesty, do you swear that you, Modesty, Siduri, and all of the Raiders Hollow will back the fuck off?”

Ethne is a pack in mourning and, if Gilgamesh had attempted this shit at any other time, he would have been met with tooth and claw. Luckily for him, his timing is somewhat decent… this time.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. i didn't think i needed to tell you twice Lazuli Falls 11:59 AM, 04-05-2024 12:15 PM, 04-24-2024