
Lucky Strike


09-26-2013, 05:03 PM

He began to lecture her on the necessity of staying indoors. With a sigh she would nod her head, though only about half of the words reached inside of her cavernous cranium. It wasn't necessary for him to say all of it, but she admired him for his attempt at consoling her. At least he cared enough to check on her, unlike the king who had led her to battle. ?I know, I know..? she would retort when he was through with his parental-like lecture. ?I'll stay inside a bit longer.? Glaciem wasn't the most exciting of lands to begin with, and she had a feeling that she wouldn't miss much if she spent a day or two more in her den. ?So long as you come to visit me,? she would tack onto her earlier phrase. He at least made it more bearable.

He seemed to be taking in her compliment, something that she hadn't even really given much thought about. It seemed to be having more of an impact on him than she could have imagined, and that made a smile crack upon her lips. He assured her that she didn't know how much her words meant to him, to which she nodded and swiped her tongue across his paw. ?You mean something to me, Taurig. That's why I said it.? It was as simple as that. ?Now don't think that means that you can always wiggle your way out of fights - that was a rare occasion, and you probably won't get that lucky again.? The man he'd been set to fight was older and probably more experienced, but that didn't mean she underestimated Taurig. It would have been a tough fight regardless, and she was glad that he hadn't had to face it. Sendoa knew that he would fight one day, more than once - most likely. War was on the horizon, and that meant everyone would taste blood soon enough.
