
Saxe Adopts

looking for some heathens to run around with Sephiran


13+ Years

Pride - GayPride - AromanticPride - TransgenderEaster 2022Rapid Poster - Silver
04-10-2024, 12:59 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2024, 02:04 AM by Virgil. Edited 5 times in total.)
I have managed to resist for so long.. but I am weak (but it is finally finished!)

NAME: Melchior Nils Saxe
AGE: 1 year
BIRTH SEASON: Autumn (Apollyon x Arcadia (Sidi) )

45" - Dire Wolf - Balanced - saber fangs

coat & build- Charcoal dusted obsidian. Underneath it all, tinted violet like a fresh bruise. Melchior is painted dark as night, with a subtly lighter underbelly and heels. Ash and bone painted over his spine and shoulders like a cloak. The fur of his cheeks lighten gradually towards their ends, mirroring the gradient of grey at the end of his snout. Pale, thin markings outline his violet eyes, a bleached pale tearstain that trails to a point that frames either side of his muzzle. A thin trail of bone white is painted between his brows, one of the only shocks of contrast upon his pelt. Each of his toes are lined with ivory, highlighting the man's dark claws. Alongside the unique hue shifts brought about by the sun, his coat is also quite plush. Well tended and silky smooth, with an abundance of fluffy undercoat in the cold months.

It's Melchior's physique that draws the eye, a jumble of well placed angles and clean lines. Sculpted musculature matched with imposing size, painted in an abyssal palette. He stands 45" tall, equipped with a narrow frame which has been layered with chords of well defined musculature so that he just squeaks into the niche of an average build. Melchior was crafted with the streamlined form of a hunter, where the majority of his strength is situated in those impressively long limbs. His long, elegant neck is deceptively strong as well, all of the necessary power contained within it to strike a killing blow. Melchior's features are nothing short of stunning; strong cheekbones and a defined brow, drawing attention to those enthralling eyes.

eyes & voice- the only spot of colour on a pitch-dark monstrosity. Striking amethyst, pale at the outer edges and lavender around the pupil. Encircled with long, dark lashes that would make an angel weep. His gaze feels cold as stone, despite the brilliant and enchanting hues that invite attention. The intensity and swirling, fathomless irises could easily be wielded as weapons in their own right, and yet they are so often entirely empty.

Melchior's voice is sharp as a dagger, somehow. His speech is often clipped and measured, tempered like honed steel. A deep baritone tombre, readily grabbing attention and demanding obedience without ever having to rise in volume. His laugh is airy and sonorous, a rare sound that seems to slip out unexpectedly in times of calm and frivolity. In his softest moments, he tends to speak in a crooning tone, low and melodic.

stance & gait- the pinnacle of self assurance, a lifetime of imposed narcissism bleeds from his every pore. His composure is something to revere, and from his lessers he expects exactly that. The Saxe male lives and breathes domination, takes it by birthright. It's reflected in the straightness of his shoulders and upward tilt of his chin, the swagger in his hips as he moves. When he's on the hunt, Melchior becomes another creature entirely. Brash and careless, driven only by the craving for bloodshed. A ruthless creature, merely an amalgam of flesh in the approximation of a wolf that moves tirelessly until it is finally satiated.

quirks & mutations- When the sun deigns to cast her rays upon him, Melchior is awash with hints of lavender and mauve. Silvery banded hairs, a trademark of his lineage, alter his appearance almost entirely in the sunlight. That is to say, as soon as the sun's rays land on that pitch dark fur, a whole new pelage is revealed. All of those kohl-dark hues are tinted with violet; black turned to plum-skin purple and greys are now tinted with lilac.

From beneath his inky lips protrude a pair of thin sabre fangs, their cutting edge subtly serrated for shredding flesh. These are also a family heirloom, though far less prominent among his relatives than that unique fur coat.

ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
apathetic & cold- a facade of stone greets all who would gaze upon him. Those enthralling eyes turn to granite when cast upon an unfamiliar form, less than eager to engage in any meaningful way. He cares very little for those he deems unworthy of his time or attention, let them wither beneath the weight of his passionless stare. While apathy tends to permeate surface-level interactions and activities, the biting chill that settled deep in his bones has been there since the moment he was thrust out into the cruel, violent world.
cynical & leery- a byproduct of a vicious upbringing. Melchior trust very few, and is willing to open up that inner circle to even fewer. A pessimist in the broadest strokes, unable to see an ounce of selflessness or pure kindness in the world around him. Raised in a den of narcissists and brawlers, the man cannot see an alternative option for the populace of the realms within which he moves. Melchior keeps everyone at arms length and keeps a close eye on anyone lingering too close to those he has decided belong to him.
intelligent & devious- for all of his flaws, Melchior has the instincts of a seasoned warrior and the keen eye of a hawk. He wields his intellect like a knife, and draws blood with it just as readily as his own fangs. A true Machiavellian, all cunning plots and well placed words. Melchior is well suited to a diplomats role, with those emotions tightly bundled away and placid expressions of indifference. Similarly, he finds himself at ease in a war room- plotting a takeover, a raid, a siege. A lesser known talent for a conniving bastard like himself, drawing in weak willed souls to serve under he and his family. Melchior doesn't use his skills often, he feels a great deal less satisfaction in avoiding brutality.
barbaric & predatory- here is where his breeding truly shines through. He shines in moments of grotesque bloodshed, a hedonist Adonis draped in shadows and gore. When Melchior lets loose, all of the dignity and calculation vanishes. In its place, a brutal monstrosity that hunts and kills for the pure joy of carnage. Being such a buttoned up, high strung individual means he needs to take the time to unwind rather frequently. A danger to the local wildlife and any unfortunate souls whose self preservation instincts aren't quick enough- much like a housecat who's finally managed to sneak out.
possessive & obsessive- the man has an iron grip on whatever manages to find its way into his possession. To pry them away would be to shred them to ribbons through his claws and teeth. Melchior seeks to own, to dominate, to devour. When it comes to partners and slaves, this turns to madness quickly. Devolves into obsession, stalking after them at all hours of the day. Needing to know where they are, what they're doing. Ensuring there isn't another soul daring to touch a single hair upon them, nor to covet what is rightfully his.

SKILLS: intellect & hunting
PLOTS/PLANS: join up with the gang, probably get into at least one toxic relationship. Perhaps do some crimes. Who's to say, really? >:D