
I'm Always Losing To Win

Avacyn! <3


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-10-2024, 08:09 PM

While the trip to Boreas has been made due to several stressful events happening down in Auster, the small Leader is still super excited to see her friend again. Speaking of her friend, no sooner has the call left her maw than Haydée’s emerald gaze catches sight of the beautiful Matriarch. A happy grin splits her maw in spite of the heavy news that she carries and her tail swishes joyfully behind her as the woman steps up to greet her. A giggle leaves her lips as she warmly replies, “Ava! I have missed you! Sorry I didn’t stop by sooner. How are you and your family doing?”

Avacyn leans down to press her nose gently into the Leader’s cheek and the smaller woman hums a content sigh and leans into the touch before giving a gentle lick to the purple woman’s cheek before Ava has the chance to pull away. They turn to walk into Elysium lands, and the question of brings here has Haydée’s ears falling flat as shame slowly burns her cheeks. Another sigh, this time weary, spills out onto the air before she can stop it and she begrudgingly admits, “I wish this was just a social visit but I have come to share some information with you and also to ask you for a huge favor.”

Green eyes turn to look up at Ava, the scars on her face and scruff a stark reminder of her failures with the Raiders Hollow. Carefully, Haydée begins to recount the first big piece of news, “First off, not that long ago, Ethne was raided by the Raiders Hollow. They ended up taking a few of our chickens which, while it wasn’t ideal, we could have lived without. Unfortunately, they brought pups to the raid and, in the heat of the battles, my mother ended up maiming one.” Eyes fall as the shame builds and her pawsteps become heavy with the weight of everything she has had to carry.

“Then, my nephews, Gavroche II and Ikuchi, disappeared after the raid and I found out that Gav was taking herbs to the Raiders to try and apologize for what had happened.” A deep, slightly shaky breath is taken as she remembers the events on that dark beach that lays not too far from here. Swallowing a lump that had suddenly appeared in her throat, Haydée haltingly continues on, “When I got there… a purple woman with horns was trying to attack my nephew but, thankfully, he was able to get away unharmed.”

Gaze turns back up to her friend as she admits, “I had intended to go and offer my apologies to Gilgamesh about what happened and allow him the opportunity to mark me for my mother’s transgression. Another wolf tried to step in and the three of us fought and….” A shake of her skull and a weary sigh is given as she says, “Well, I will carry the marks with me for the rest of my life. After that, we lead a retaliatory raid against them to get our chickens back and failed… which, I will also bare the marks of that battle.”

Haydée glosses over the cruel words that Gil had said that had led her to want to get the chickens back because she doesn’t wish to burden Avacyn even more than she already has. Sorrowful emerald eyes fall to her paws as they walk, the young Leader too ashamed of the events that had transpired to meet her friend’s gaze and Haydée allows silence to envelope them as she gives the Matriarch time to process this chunk of news before moving on.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.