


09-26-2013, 07:11 PM

She missed him, far more than she cared to admit. She hadn't truthfully spent any quality time with him since he'd been injured - and understandably he hadn't been in the best of moods just then. With half a smile she would grunt and exit the den Taurig had placed her in for her recovery. Somehow with him gone she hadn't been able to bring herself to go anywhere else. It was a decent enough den, and it held memories of Taur - she knew she'd never find any of those in Glaciem again. All of his memories would be created and stored in Tortuga, and though she had plans to visit there, she knew it would be some time before she got to see him.

Part of her thought it best to just forget about him altogether. It wasn't as if she'd known him that long to begin with, but he'd tugged at her heartstrings the moment she'd met him and she knew that he would be unforgettable. She shook her head, nostrils flaring to hopefully catch the familiar musk of Isardis. It was time she spent some time with him, cultivating their own relationship. She knew they would need to be close if she were to serve directly beneath him with the upcoming war. Valhalla would not know what hit them. She would bark twice, hopefully summoning the king and no one else. It was an audience with Isardis that she sought first on this morning.
