
Worlds collide



"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (937)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
04-11-2024, 01:10 PM
Artorias listened attentively as Bellatrix described her missing sister, wanting to make sure he committed every detail to memory should he or his wolves come across the missing child. He nodded his head to confirm he had gotten it all. "Then we will remain alert in case she finds her way back around here." It was all the reassurance he could offer Bellatrix at the time, but sometimes just the comfort of knowing you weren't doing everything on your own made a world of difference.

When he questioned her commitment and how far she was willing to go to see her vision through, Bella did not disappoint or sway in her resolution. The girl had a fire in her eyes, a hunger that he could not discern if it was justice or vengeance she sought—perhaps a bit of both. She listed the crimes of the Syndicate to date, and there were no falsehoods or exaggerations in her claims. She vowed to see her justice through even if it killed her, asserting that she was no coward. Artorias couldn't help but see similarities in her zeal to his own daughter, reflecting on the words Ember had said to him when she'd confronted him after the situation with the Syndicate. Perhaps headstrong, fiery young ladies were just destined to be bred down in Auster.

Bellatrix finished her inspired monologue by asserting that she wasn't asking him or the Hallows to fight with her, just to back her. Artorias nodded his head again, lips tight as he pondered their circumstances. He had been just as zealous at her age—maybe even a little too much so. He'd had many hard reality checks, harsh reminders that he could not save the world all the time. But maybe, just maybe, wolves like him and Bellatrix could make some sort of difference. "The Hallows is very careful to maintain open neutrality with other packs unless there has been direct hostility against us, so I hope you'll understand that unless the Syndicate does something to us or our allies, we cannot be involved in any direct combat," he calmly explained to the young girl, realizing this was quite a heavy subject to share with her. "But we can support your goals of rebuilding and securing a home for your family once more. To those ends, you have the support of the Hallows. If you manage to establish a pack again, we can discuss matters further. But for now, if you need guidance or support in your endeavors, we will do what we can for you, Lady Ravenwood."

It was the best he could offer her for now. Artorias had already made his stance to Sephiran and the Syndicate painfully clear—violence would follow any altercation they chose to levy against the Hallows or their allies. But Artorias still had a responsibility to safeguard his wolves, and that included not marching them straight into open conflict.

"Artorias" | "Carpathian"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.

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1. Worlds collide Amron's Castle 08:58 PM, 04-07-2024 01:56 PM, 05-20-2024