
Death begets death

Fight Seasonal


The Syndicate

Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Hunter (40)

2 Years
Dire wolf
04-11-2024, 03:20 PM
While he waited to see if he would gain an answer with his challenge, the young mercenary continued to let his eyes wander to the night sky. He had never been the type to stop and smell the roses, but there was something off about the colours dancing above him. In truth, he had never seen anything like it before. He was in a new world now, perhaps he just had to accept that new rules applied. He’d never had the time or space to question nature before, and he’d sure as shit never had someone to answer a curious pups questions.

But the sight in front of him told him he was going to have to learn the rules of this place, and quickly if he was to survive it. He didn’t expect anything in front of him to be easy - but the choice of how he approached it was his own now. He took in a deep breath, still catching a hint of blood on his coat. He grinned. Yeah, he was going to enjoy the challenges of Boreas.

When an answer came in the form of a little star-coloured wolf, he blinked in surprise. Tilting his head down towards them. A pup wasn't exactly what he had in mind. But if the kid was out here unsupervised and answering calls for blood… that wasn't really his problem. He did look past her, half expecting to see some folk behind her. But what sort of parents would let her fight a stranger in the night, he didn’t know. He turned his attention back to her, looking steadily down at the girl. He thought of her parents, and how they would feel if he hurt or stole away their little girl. Now that might be an interesting challenge. Or… perhaps she had a past similar to his own. A reckless orphan, running amok.

“You always answer calls for blood in the night?” He asked, his rough voice a little wry. He wondered if she would have a response to that. “If you go ahead with this, I won’t take it easy on you.” He warned her. Almost a kindness, and it would be the only one she would get from him. He was out for blood, and he didn't intend to change course because the one who answered his call was barely potty trained. When it was clear she was determined to stay the course, he shrugged. He would take any consequences of tussling with her. He let his body fall into the familiar stance of a fight. Adjusting his balance and defences on the fly, as he closed the distance between them.

He had to adjust his style, purely because of the size distances between them. He kicked out with a paw, aiming to hit her right foreleg and knock her off balance. In the same instance, his teeth snagged forward. Attempting to grab her by the scruff of the neck. As if she was a child. Which… was exactly what she was.

Flare vs Lumine for Dominance
Round 1/1?
Age: over 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Metal claw caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Leather neck armor
Companion 1: Red Goshawk, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Corsac Fox, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Saber fangs (Offensive)
Mutation 2: Thicker fur (Defensive)
Skills: Novice Fighter & Beginner Hunter

WC: 1115/1500


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1. Death begets death Veteran's Plateau 11:33 PM, 04-07-2024 12:15 PM, 04-24-2024