
Press play walk away, I'm your laptop dj


09-26-2013, 07:20 PM

Silver and grey tinted paws touched down on the cool surface of the ground. Snowflakes and frost had collected upon his sleek coat, the mans tail curled high above his haunches as he stalked the lands. The scent of a stranger was strong in the air, and he knew it was the scent of a woman. Changing course, he followed the scent with bouncing confident steps. He hadn't been long in these lands, but determination was set into him as he sought to join the ever powerful kingdom of the ice wolves. Perhaps this was his chance to meet a girl from the kingdom itself. Though whether or not it was for love, he could care less about that. Never had he met a girl he'd actually fall in love with. To him, so far only using them for personal purposes was more to his liking. He couldn't be bothered to deal with the dramas of an actual relationship, and the women who thought they were in a relationship with him were sorely mistaken. Without a second thought he would cast each one aside like a piece of trash, breaking hearts and stealing innocence. Yes, that was his preferred method.

At last after a few minutes of following the tantalizing scent, he came across a beast smaller then he with the curves of a feminine bodice. He approached with a confident air about him, his stare never wavering as he placed himself slightly to her left. "Hello there little lady, what brings you to these parts?" His voice fell from ink lined lips in a most seductive and curious manner. His intentions were well hidden...for now anyway.

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