Coran raced along behind the caribou as the other hunters swiftly joined him. Jynn inserted herself between the herd and the older caribou while the earthen-pelted man raced alongside, driving the rest of the herd away and effectively separating their target. The young male then came up along the left side of the caribou. Excellent! Between the young man and Jynn they could effectively drive the caribou where they wanted it to go. Now they just needed to trip her up and make the final blow.
Coran shifted slightly to the right, just in time for the caribou kicked back, but it proved a risky gambit. The cow missed striking him and in risking the kick she slowed her pace. She tried racing forward again but this time Coran was ready. His fangs caught her hind right leg and with a mighty pull the sudden shift of the limb caused the cow to stumble forward.