
Large Pile of Sand



10 Years
09-26-2013, 07:47 PM

It was true. Odette didn't know what kind of thoughts and desires danced behind Baskilisk's eyes. The depth they could go, the disturbing images and cravings that stayed in his mind, would probably scar the young pup for life. Being so young meant that she could be na?ve and get away with it, so she chose to do so that day. He then asked her if she was aware of the bad wolves of the world and she leaned her head to the side. Puppy bi-colored eyes blinked up at him as she innocently asked, "Why would they want to do that?" Odette wanted to playfully say, 'I am too cute for that!', but she knew that the tall boy was being serious.
Blinking once, she turned her head back to its proper alignment and said, "I wouldn't want to meet wolves like that, especially if they didn't know who I was." To herself, the young girl made a promise that she would do her best to defend her own body against any forces out there like that. He continued to speak about why he would enjoy the ruler's position and she couldn't help but giggle. "That sounds like it would be fun. Being adored and walking around, knowing that they knew who you were and respected you for it." Respect was something Gargoyle had drilled into her and her siblings' minds, especially when it came to treating other wolves with it. "Safety and loyalty are cornerstones that are important. I agree with you on that." She was content with his words about such ideas.
It was then that she heard the familiar calling of her father. Gargoyle's howl reached her ears and she sharply turned her head to the location of his tune. Heart began to race and her immediate reaction would have been to race towards the towering giant that was her papa. Instead, she looked at the tower of purple in front of her, then to the treasures she had collected all that morning. Torn between being a good girl and an independent one, she decided to bury her discoveries beneath the sand at the base of her kingdom.
After patting it down and making sure she would remember where they were buried, she looked up at Baskilisk and said, "I suppose I should go.." before turning to walk in the direction of her den. However, two steps into returning, she looked over her shoulder at him and asked, "If I am ever in trouble...would I be able to call you and have you come running?" It was an innocent question, but one that held great meaning without her realizing it.

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