
A Long Time Coming


09-26-2013, 07:56 PM

Ears would perk up during the meeting, and the beast kept as close to Aeil as possible. The information bit about the mentoring intrigued him, and though he hadn't been in Seracia long he hoped that he would be allowed to mentor a young one. One in particular stood out to him, the shy and quieter one. Dragon wanted to approach the boy and become friends with him, but with his own appearance he thought it wise not to. He was sure he looked terrifying to a cub so young as that one, but there was just something about him that called to the man. Leaning towards Aeil, he spoke in a whisper as he motioned slightly to the quieter of the bunch. "Aeil...I am most intrigued in being able to mentor the young one there. But will your king trust me enough to do so? I feel that it would be in the best benefit of the child...I could help him open up, become less shy. His confidence would surely be something I can work on." He touched her ear briefly with his nose, wondering if the king would let him. Aeil seemed to be highly respected, so surely he'd allow it? Dragon would have spoken up about it himself...but he knew nobody here and wasn't sure how they were with trusting new members. He made a mental note to try and meet eveyone soon. After all, it wasn't a pack if everyone was a stranger to one another.

And then, he heard the woman speak. The Alphess, he guessed. Queen of Seracia. She asked that whosoever had information about Glaciem, to tell her. Well, Dragon had lots of information about that. He often wandered, especially when he was a rogue to all the different lands. He saw everything that happened from when someone new was accepted into different packs or when some other big event happened. The Glaciem news he had to share would surely worry the Seracian pack...and he wanted to share. He didn't particularly like the Glaciem king...and he vowed that if he ever came after Aeil or any of his new Seracian family members then he would rip the beast limb from limb. Swallowing, he did speak up at this. "Excuse me, Madame. I have lots of knowledge about the goings on in Glaciem, and the feud they have with Valhalla. If you wish it, I can speak about it now or in private. I think it is imperative that you know the knowledge of the lands. Crucial, I must say." His heart pounded hard, nervous with speaking out in front of so many. But a comforting touch from Aeil would calm him.
