
And now for a brief intermission




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

04-12-2024, 07:16 AM

Mariah took in Avacyn's words, her gaze flickering with a mix of gratitude and resolve. "Thank you, Ava," she murmured, her voice soft but overflowing with emotion. "Your faith in me means more than you could ever imagine." As she prepared to embark on her journey to The Hallows, Mariah couldn't help feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She longed to learn from the skilled healers there, but also felt a sliver of fear at the unknown challenges that lay ahead. But above all else, she was determined to grow and improve - for herself, for Avacyn, and most importantly - for Elysium, The weight of her own responsibilities settled on her shoulders- she couldn’t even begin to imagine how Avacyn must feel at times. But for herself, she welcomed it as a challenge to overcome.

At the mention of the unrest among the packs, Mariah's heart tightened in her chest. She knew too well the damage and pain brought about by these confrontations. It was precisely why she was determined to become a better healer. She wasn’t capable of defending Elysium like the members of her family could. She had to be able to adopt a skillset that would make her useful in other ways. And she wanted to be able to provide to the best of her abilities. Avacyn’s plea for Mariah to return home if danger arose had her nodding solemnly. "I promise," she responded, her voice unwavering with resolve. "If danger approaches, I will make my way back home swiftly.” Hopefully, it wouldn’t come to that.

She sat quietly for a moment, allowing silence to wash over them as she savored this moment of quiet camaraderie. She knew all too well how fleeting such moments could be, and she cherished it with all her heart. "And Avacyn," she finally said, her voice firm despite the softness of her tone. "I want you to promise me something too. Don't bear all these burdens alone. You're not alone in this, remember that." She couldn't begin to understand everything that was going on in her sister's life. But it wouldn't surprise her if the Matriarch was carrying a lot of weight on her shoulders to shield it from others. Right or wrong, that was just the type of individual she perceived her sister to be.

"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. And now for a brief intermission Northern Mines 10:40 AM, 03-15-2024 02:43 PM, 06-07-2024