
Burn Your Kingdom Down


09-26-2013, 08:27 PM

She was quick with her tongue and fervent in her defiance, but he cared little, completely indifferent to her supply or lack of respect when it would be best to uphold such things. She was a powerful little blum? and he would not deny her the things she so seemed to stretch for. Still, his shoulders would roll and he would shake off the words she had whispered onto him. Arguing his ability and chances to one day reproduce, she was wrong, but it was not the point he brought up or cared to debate, ?Cepheus is the title by which you may call me,? the words rolled forward in slick indifference and he turned his head to the pale king that stood not far from either of them.

?If you?re seeking my hand to wage a war, give me a lady and I?ll give you my service,? the serpent only required wives to bring himself peace. He would turn his back on a nation if one would offer him a number that was exceeding the previous. His loyalty was strictly bought, and the one that offered the highest bid got the offer at the end of the day. Here they stood, the pale king being the only one to extend such a gratifying remark. He had shown little emotion over the course of his existence, now he was pleasantly surprised to find he enjoyed where the conversation was going.

?You may find yourself surprised by the capabilities of a woman, sir,? he had seen a woman diminish an entire empire, and she looked the breed to do such a dirty deed. She seethed and writhed in perfection, in flames, and he loved the way the flames so rode in her peculiar eyes, bathing her in intrigue. Perhaps Isardis did not see her for more than her ?pretty? appearance, but for him, looks did little. It was all about what she could offer in the long run. What her children were capable of, and above all, what she deemed her life worthy of. Sometimes, it was up to the one in question to answer such a bold turn of events.