
Melt Into Me



The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
04-14-2024, 09:04 PM

Having gone beyond the rocky outcrops of the shore, the expanse of dark, weather-beaten rocks was behind them now. A winding trail ascending the mountainside appeared, and Rhazien ushered Medulla towards it, signaling his desire to reach the budding forest above. She was hesitant at first, which was expected; it was quite narrow, a slender ribbon of earth winding its way into the rock face. Trees flanked it on one side, and on the other, a steep drop off to the rocky beach below. Tangled roots and undergrowth would try to snag their paws with every step, boulders they’d have to leap over, serving as obstacles. All in all, it was quite hazardous. Would she trust him to keep her safe?

Slowly, they’d start their ascent, Rhazien poking into the labyrinth of Medulla’s mind as he kept her close, sharing his space and sparking a flame of intimacy. And to her confession, he’d release a deep, guttural-sounding vocalization; one that signaled his acknowledgment. Truly, he hadn’t expected her to fit in with his family - she was just too different - a bystander on the outside looking in, observing others who seem to effortlessly belong. It brought her discomfort, and she’d isolated herself because of it; tending to his needs, staying in the shadows, remaining out of harms way.

And that’s all Rhazien could ask of her.

“I see,” He’d say, gravitating even close to her; brushing his body against hers, stealing a glance and flashing that suave, charming smile at her. “I don’t expect you to fit in with them.” He echos her words, to level with her sense of understanding. “You’re here for me, after all,”  Ahh, there it was; that possessive and obsessive undertone, as Rhazien hinted at the metaphorical claws he’d sunk into her. Claiming her as his own. “… right?” Now he’s erring on the side of longing- wanting to spark something inside of the girl -  needing her to show a degree of resolve. Didn’t she love him enough to subdue her worries?

They’d come up to a boulder in their path, and Rhazien would stop and help Medulla over it, if needed; making sure to touch her with a gentle, but pressing touch, to make her want more. More, more, more. “But if you're seeking a sense of belonging,” He’d begin, knowing he needed to offer her guidance; he wasn’t the type of man to propose ultimatums. “I can assist you.” If Medulla truly wanted to find a sense of community in his pack, he would help guide her. Because he knew the hunger for camaraderie very well.  


Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

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1. Melt Into Me Ardens Glácies 12:36 PM, 03-24-2024 11:11 PM, 09-05-2024